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Yoongi wanted to cry. He felt like the worst parent ever, he didn't have enough money to pay for Disney. It was only enough to pay for Jung-Hwa, and not himself. He rummaged through his cash and looked at his card, he was saved by another 200 dollars on his card. he sighed softly of relief. Jung-Hwa ran up to him and looked at him, seeing the cash and card scrambled on the table. "Why do you have paper on the table?" he asked curiously. Yoongi looked at his son before smiling, "Oh it's not paper, dear. It's for Disney this weekend." he softly said, watching his eyes light up in excitement. "You're excited, aren't you?"

"Yeah!! I'm excited to stay with my Dad!" and that was the first time Yoongi had ever been proud of himself, trying to make Jung-Hwa happy and content. Of course, this took a toll on his mental health, him breaking down every night when his son was asleep and unaware. he just wanted to be a normal Dad, not a financially unstable one. He wished he went back to the office with Seokjin, Namjoon and everyone else so he could have more money to help. He decided to get a sugar daddy, but he said to the person that he was in relationship and had a kid. The sugar daddy didn't seem to mind, only wanting to help the boy. In replace of sending him pictures of his legs.

"You can go wash up now; Uncle Seokjin will be back with dinner any moment." he said softly, smiling at his son when he ran off and then sighed as he looked for the sugar daddy on his app before texting him 'I'll send you the pictures later.' getting a response of 'Okay, I'll send you 3,000 dollars for each of the leg pictures.' he gawked at the message, texting an okay back before hearing the front door open and put his phone away in hopes of Seokjin not seeing his texts with his sugar daddy. Seokjin came in with food and placed it on the table. "Food is here~"

"Hey Hyung. I'll um..be skipping dinner tonight, I have to plan the Disney trip with Jung-Hwa." Yoongi half-lied, getting up before walking upstairs. Jung-Hwa ran downstairs before getting to the table, sitting in the chair. "Uncle, what is Dad doing?"

"He's..planning a surprise, buddy." Seokjin said softly, looking up to see Yoongi walking upstairs with his phone out. He thought he was just trying to message Jungkook, but in reality Yoongi was texting his sugar daddy, saying that he'll have them ready in a minute, with black stockings and cute shoes that he had bought himself years ago, but they still fit. He sighed and got ready, taking his pants off and putting on the stockings and shoes, posing in the mirror before sending them to the sugar daddy.


'How cute. Okay, since you took 4 photos, I'll send you 12,000. Sound good?'

'You don't have to send me that much.'

'I just need it to help my so_'

'I just need i_'

'I just_'


'I appreciate it though.'

'It's coming through...now.'


Yoongi was about to type something when a notification popped up. He looked at it and pressed on it, seeing 12,200 dollars in his account. He stared at it with awe before turning off his phone, quickly taking off the stockings and putting on his pants. Seokjin came in and caught him putting his pants back on. "What the-" "Please- just- I'll explain." Yoongi buttoned and zipped his pants up, putting the stockings and shoes away into his suitcase. "I um..sell leg pictures for money..? Well.."

"I'm sorry, what? You sell leg pictures?"

"J-just leg pictures! I'm doing it to help Jung-Hwa..at l-least until Jungkook comes back to help.." Seokjin couldn't get mad at his dongsaeng, he was too cute. Yet he was willing to help him no matter what, he didn’t want to see him struggle financially. So he did what he wanted to do, he got out his wallet and gave Yoongi $500 in cash to help him. Yoongi stared at the money and furrowed his hrows, “N-no- I can’t take this- I can’t just keep mooching off you anymore..can’t keep taking money from you, Hyung.”

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