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thoughts on the new cover ?


KAWTIA fixed my tight and sparkly purple dress while I watched her through the mirror in front of us

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KAWTIA fixed my tight and sparkly purple dress while I watched her through the mirror in front of us. I could tell she took great pride in decorating anything. It was like her hobby outside of work, everyday a new plant or sculpture would be somewhere in the house, I loved that she loved that.

She fixed my hair once more, giving me a bright smile. "You look beautiful, another decorating job well done for me. And a pretty look for you." She stepped out of my way so I could see my full outfit in the mirror, I looked amazing. My hair was curled tight, like Marilyn Monroe, my lipstick matched the velvet red of my dress, and the white gloves on my hand went up my forearm, stopping at my elbows.

"Valdo is going to faint when he sees you." She said, making me chuckle. "I see you two are becoming closer, you have a very bright glow to you." She raised a brow, grinning. "What do you- oh. You know about that?" "I'm a woman and so are you, I see the signs of a couple entangling." I laughed, trying not to smudge my makeup.

"But enough of that. I do have something I've been meaning to tell you though, just a little thing I've done in my free time, which I barely have." I was curious. "I learned a little Spanish, I know you know how to speak Italian a little but I wanted to learn some of it, so I could send a message from your brother, Berto."

I hadn't spoken to any of my family since I left, not that I was aching anyway. I didn't think my brother would want to speak with me, or my father simply wouldn't even let him. I didn't know what to think, nor how to feel about this message. Did I truly want to hear it? Is his words even going to affect me at all?

"He said, Hola Lizzy, sé que hace tiempo que no sabemos nada y apenas hablábamos cuando estabas aquí, pero quiero que lo sepas. Estoy absoluta e irrevocablemente feliz por ti y por esta nueva libertad que tienes, y te deseo todo lo mejor para asistir a la Universidad de Catania."

(Translation: Hey Lizzy, I know we haven't spoken in a while, and when you were here we barely spoke at all, but I want you to know this. I am utterly and irrevocably happy for you and this found liberty you have, and I wish you well on attending Catania University.)

Tears brimmed at my eyes, immediately wiped away with Kawtia manicured hand. "Ah ah ah, do not ruin my masterpiece, you can cry after everyone sees you." she joked. "That was amazing, I really appreciate you learning some Spanish to tell me that."

She gave me a bright smile, then pulled me into a hug. "Ho imparato ad amarti Eliza, spero il meglio per te e mio figlio."

(Translation: I've grown to love you Eliza, I hope the best for you and my son.)


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