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NEXT thing I knew I was put into a limo, being taken back to the house, with my other family members trailing behind in a different car

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NEXT thing I knew I was put into a limo, being taken back to the house, with my other family members trailing behind in a different car. When we arrived, I walked through the doors, they followed behind me. "Why are you resigning? You aren't at the proper age." 

He seized me by the neck, the air swiftly pushing through my lungs, trying to preserve oxygen. "Abraham!" My mother yelled, trying to get him to let go of me. He didn't, his grip around my neck only tightened. 

"You are an entitled bitch! What did you tell that damn family, hm? What did they tell you? I swear on my power that if you betray me I will kill you with my own damn hands and watch you suffer!" 

My brother held him back, his arms were in the air, trapped by Berto's. My mother rushed me into the nearest bathroom, looking at my neck.  "Your starting to bruise, we have to cover it, nobody can know about this." 

She wasn't helping me out of the kindness of her heart, but she was helping me to help herself. People knowing that my father did this to me would make him remain a bitch that takes his anger out on his daughter. 

She violently impacted powder and concealer onto my neck, hurting me every time she patted. "Mother that hurts-" "I don't give a damn! Why do you have to be so damn disobedient? He wouldn't have hit you if that mouth of yours wasn't running so fucking much." 

She scolded me in Spanish and English, the tears fought to stay in my eyes. Once she was finished, she took one good look at my neck, making sure the bulging bruise was fully covered. 

"Me alegro de que no tengamos que lidiar con tu resistencia cuando vayas a Sicilia."

(Translation: I'm glad we won't have to deal with your resistance when you go to Sicily.)

"¿Sicilia? ¿Por qué voy a Sicilia?"

(Translation: Sicily? Why am I going to Sicily?) 

"The family you spoke to, your father made bad deals with them. He almost fucked up the drug chain messing with them, so for value of his life, he arranged you to be married to their oldest son, Valdo."

I raised a brow, trying to hold back my anger. "Mother! You can't let him do this! You can't let him send me away for his wrong doings!" I held my face after receiving a hard smack across the cheek, adding more pain onto me.

"Raise your voice again and you'll be sent off tonight!" She snapped, pointing at me. I didn't know what to do think, or do. Out of all the cruelty that they've injected into me since birth, this had to be the most vile.

They didn't care about me, they didn't care about me enough to just accept the consequences of their actions. They'd rather send me off as leverage, because I wasn't valuable enough to stay here. 

"Saldrás y le darás una disculpa a tu padre, y estarás bien con este matrimonio. ¿Lo entiendes?" She held my face up by my chin to make sure I looked at her while she spoke. "Yes mother." Everything in my bones wanted to defend myself, but I couldn't. It was useless, and wouldn't do anything but cause me more physical and mental pain.

(Translation: You will go out there and give your father an apology, and you will be okay with this marriage. Do you understand?)

MY bags stood in front of the door, along with my brother, and the limo that would take me to one of Kawtia's jets, and fly me to Sicily

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MY bags stood in front of the door, along with my brother, and the limo that would take me to one of Kawtia's jets, and fly me to Sicily. My brother and I barely spoke growing up, so I couldn't say I had a good relationship with him because I barely knew him. 

It was a shame, maybe if we would have talked more or hung out more as children we could have a decent relationship. But, with the voice of my father in his ear telling him his every beck and call, I would have been betrayed anyways. 

"If you must know, I protested against you leaving. I thought it was unfair." He said, puffing from the cigar between his fingers. His other hand rested in his pocket, and he looked out into the view of trees in front of our house. 

"Well, you couldn't do anything. Of course you had to protect your ego, and your reputation. Fuck everyone else, right?" He sighed, and stepped closer to me. "You'll get nowhere by constantly blaming everyone else for what we all have to deal with. You think I want this, Lizzy?"

"I don't. It's what I have to do. I can't go against them, I'm a man. They will kill me in cold blood and not think twice." 

I sat down my purse on one of the bags, pulling him into a hug. "I know, be safe, okay?' I said. "Of course. Look at this as a good thing, you'll be away from this. Your only job will be to be a wife, nothing else. It's trapping, but you might find happiness, sister." 

He pulled away, looking down at me. "I'll hold everything down here, you won't have to worry about a thing." I stepped back from him, the men took my bags into the back of the limo. "Bye Berto," I stepped into the car, and it pulled off. I watched behind me as his body became smaller as we got further.

I was leaving my old life behind. I didn't know how to feel about it.

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