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I had a more complex talk with Kawtia and the principal of Catania, the school that would accept me mid semester

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I had a more complex talk with Kawtia and the principal of Catania, the school that would accept me mid semester. I was beyond excited, going to school was a fairytale dream of mine and I'd finally get to live it.

We drove down to the office building for the university that was a few acres off of the campus, I stepped out of the limo, wearing my best blazer and white button down, with a skirt to match the jacket. My hair was put into a bun, and Kawtia dressed similarly.

Although I was excited, I was nervous. I didn't really know anything about being interviewed, not anything more than what Kawtia told me on the way here. I just planned to do my best and get through it, it's all I can do.

The University of Catania was amazing. The building was beautiful, and the studies there were right up my alley. I knew I'd love it, I'd love the rush of finally being in an building with people my age, and getting to socialize with someone other than who I lived with.

"You're going to do great, Eliza. Just remember what I told you, and try to sound professional. The principal is already aware of your situation and is getting you some guards that'll trail you just to keep you safe." She encouraged me, rubbing my shoulder.

I gave her a nod, still feeling uneasy. If she wasn't there I'd probably cough up what I had the night before, I was that nervous. We entered the buildings, and the receptionist led us to where his office was. We walked down the rustic gold halls, until we reached his door. Kawtia knocked twice, and he assistant opened it.

"Nice to see you again Mrs. Romano, and nice to meet you Elizabeth." I walked through the door, taking a few seconds to admire his old but nicely decorated office. "Please, call me Eliza or LIza." The assistant gave me a smile, and behind him sat the principal of Catania, Tommaso Colombo.

"It is nice to meet you Liza, and I am very glad to speak with you today." His accent was the thickest I had heard, he must've been raised and born here. "It is nice to meet you too." He stretched his hand out, wanting me to shake. I gave his hand a firm shake before letting go, and fixing myself in my seat.

He ruffled through some orange files, until he found the right one and opened it. "In this file, we have your transcripts and attendance in homeschooling. Everything is off of the charts. You are certainly one of the most amazing students I have ever seen."

"She is, and we want to offer you a scholarship, free of charge, all things will be paid for by Mrs. Romano here and the school's funding system." He pointed to Kawtia for emphasis. "This is all like a dream for me." "We know, and were glad to be the people that give you this opportunity because to be frank, it should be given to everyone."

We settled all of the proper papers, and funding information, and just like that-- I was now a real student. Not a homeschooled student, but a real college attendant. Happiness shook over me, and I couldn't wait to live a normal life, at least in this way.

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