Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

Two hours after that, Rev was tired, crabby, hungry, and had to take a leak. They were nearing the Canadian border. Suddenly, two of the four cars split off. The other two kept going. Rev followed the two staying on the interstate. The guys with him confirmed the car Jay was in was still ahead of them.

"See if we can get a local to tail those other two", Rev instructed, and the agent in the passenger seat got on his phone.

They approached the border and Rev could see traffic slowing.

"Get ready, boys", he growled.


We were boarding the plane home. I was elated to see Gi but I had such mixed feelings about Brad my stomach was in knots. I also was feeling a ton of emotions about emptying Drew's room. It felt right, but it was still emotional. So, when we found our seats, and I realized I was between Sam and Clay, I nearly started crying. I felt like I needed to talk, and I didn't know that those two were going to do it for me.  Plus, I didn't like flying much because of how claustrophobic I was. I was used to it, and I could do it, but it still wasn't my favorite.

Sam sat first and I plunked down next to him, biting the inside of my bottom lip.  Sam pulled the shade down, put his headphones on, shut his eyes, and leaned against the window.

Great. Strike one.

I took a deep breath.

"You don't like flying?", Clay asked.

I met his gaze. He wasn't teasing nor concerned, just making an observation.

"Nope. I don't mind the being in the air part, it's the small metal container part I struggle with". I flipped over my hand to show him my palm, which was already dripping sweat.

"I don't care for it, either", he said, "but it's faster".


"Anything else?", he asked.

"Uh, yeah, there's a lot", I said. "Unfortunately, there always seems to be with me". I sighed.

"I'm a good listener", he said.

That surprised me. I checked his face. He was serious.

"You might regret it", I said, and started unloading on him.


They were finally close enough to the border station that Rev had Clint call the powers that be to notify the authorities on duty. Seatbelts were off and guns were ready. They had a plan and they were ready to execute it.

The car containing Jay pulled up to the booth with Rev right behind it. They jumped out, guns blazing, and stormed the car. U.S. Border patrol swarmed the other car. Rev yanked open the back door. A terrified looking young man had his hands up. He was wearing the baseball cap and sunglasses but he wasn't Jay.

FUCK!!!! That cocksucker tricked me!

"Search the trunks!  He's not here!", Rev shouted.

They searched. He wasn't there. They had been tricked. Boy Agent One was on the phone immediately, finding out about the other cars, but Rev had a gut check. He grabbed the other agent's arm.

"Call the guys at the house. Find out if any other cars have left".

Boy Agent Two called immediately, and after asking, met Rev's eyes and nodded.  "The maid left about an hour after we all took off. She was alone".

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