Chapter 7 [Unravelling]

Start from the beginning

Blake: "When did you even get one?"

Beryl: "1.24 seconds ago."

Uller: "...Where's mine bitch?"

Beryl: "Right here."

Uller: "Fucking mint chocolate smoothie?! Do I look mentally disabled?"

Everyone: "..."

Uller: "...Don't you dare fuckin answer that..."

Yang: "I'll give you ten Lien if you buy me one as well."

Weiss: "One for me as well, make it Italian truffles, ambrosial Iranian saffron and edible 23-karat gold flakes."

Beryl: "Bitch do I look like an errand boy?!"

Everyone: "..."

Beryl: "...Ok."

And with a blink of light, he was gone. The fucker had actually taken some Lien from everyone's wallets and left to buy everyone smoothies. He took a lot more than he needed from Weiss, she was rich, she wouldn't notice. On this day, Beryl would become known as "The Blitzkrieg Smoothie Delivery Service '' and also get a LOT of spending money. With a POP again, Beryl has reappeared holding a bunch of smoothies. A chocolate chip cookie smoothie, a strawberry sunrise smoothie (it actually exists what the fuck), a fucking tuna smoothie (Blake wtf) and a... -INHALE- ItaliantrufflesambrosialIraniansaffronandedible23-karatgoldflakes. So while everyone drank their own smoothies, Beryl gave Uller his refund for that abomination of a smoothie he got him previously and handed a caramel smoothie to the guy literally too angry to give a fuck. FYI, Beryl got an ALL CHOCOLATE DIABETES GUARANTEED smoothie because of S U G A R.

Beryl: "-slurp- -SLUUURP- -sluurp-"

Ruby: "-SLURP- -sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp- -SLUUUURP-"

Uller: "-anger slurp-"

Weiss: "-bitch slurp-"

Blake: "...What the hell are you guys doing?"

Yang: "Ssssh, let them speak their native language."

Blake: "-confusion slurp-"

Yang: "Okay, so besides the incredible smoothies, why are we spending our afternoon visiting some weird docks?"

Ruby: "Ugh! It smells like fish here!"

Beryl: "Well, it is the docks, Ruby."

Weiss: "I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And, as the REPRESENTATIVE OF BEACON ACADEMY, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to our fine kingdom!"

Uller: "You're really talking shit right through your teeth, ey?"

Beryl: "I smell a spy."

Weiss: "WHAT! How preposterous, you cannot prove that!"

Uller: "Well, your introduction really will be solemn, that's for sure."

Beryl: "How truly imbecilic of you to assume that our basic cognitive functions cannot determine your false ruse."

Uller: "Beryl, stop reading through Thesaurus, you aren't smart."

Everyone: "...The fuck did they put into these smoothies?"

Ruby: "Whoa! What happened there?"

The two teams walk through the streets and the docks come to an abrupt stop, they came across what appeared to be a crime scene, coupled with the run of the mill private detective and his dumbass partner. Shattered glass littered the street with yellow police tape wrapped around a shop. The crime appeared to have taken place in a dust story from episode 1, Dust Till Dawn, and left the store with broken windows and no dust to sell. No, wait, shit, wrong store, sorry. It was some off-brand called "Dusty's Trusty Dust". What a fucking mouthful, anyway. Two detectives from the Vale Police Force were documenting the crime scene and writing down whatever spotted their eye.

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