Escape of impossibility finaly/and memory of the past

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(Sorry I've haven't been updating this story so if you want more pester me into updating it so I don't forget about it anyway enjoy the long awaited chapter bye)

3rd POV

Myth: hey wake up, come on get up please

Scorch: he's not getting up from the gas in the hallway

Myth looked behind herself to only see scorch standing there and was looking stern but didn't sound mad or even threatening to her

Myth: why is the gas not affecting me or you then if I guessed right it a sleeping agent

Scorch: yes you guessed right and the reason being is that it only works on him specifically so he can't leave so he can be put back in the chamber

Myth looks at scorch questionably as he is telling her something she shouldn't even know about

Myth: why tell me then about the gas because if you're here to fight I'm not going to fight you

Scorch: I thought the same thing I'm here to fight more like get you two out of here once and for all

Myth was shocked by what he said but it raised a question, why help her get the riolu out of the  building. Scorch looks at myth and chuckles a little bit then stops and said

Scorch: I can tell your going to ask why help you escape with the riolu to answer that it's because I don't like seeing kids like him in this place to be experimented on and tortured like a no body in here this place is not for him and to be honest if I ever see him smile it's because he was always determined to escape and be free even against all odds he never stopped until they did the last straw and he was gone forever after that

Myth: then come with us and we can be free together and we won't have to worry about this place trust me

Scorch smiled but shook his head no to the offer

Scorch: sorry kid I'm can't go with you because they'll know something is up and they will follow you if I'm with you it's to risky with me around I'm sorry

Myth: they wouldn't be able to do anything to you or me to the place I'm going

Scorch: maybe but no someone will be here looking for him and if I'm here to buy you some time then I'm giving it to you

Myth was saddened but agreed with scorches decision

Scorch: oh and one more thing promise me you'll keep the kid safe for me arceus knows I'm over due to leave this place for the things I did here.

Myth nodded and jumped up to a window as scorch smashed it open for them then they hear running footsteps heading to them

Scorch: well looks like they're here time to put on a show for them- and charges up a fire spin and aimed at the hallway down from him-

Myth: I won't forget this scorch thank you for the help

And she jumped out the window as scorch launches his attack at the lab guards and continue to fight the on slot of numbers against him he even slashed, bit, and snapped people and Pokémon alike.
Myth continues to run deeper into the forest before they can get spotted by the lab people


Scorch was heavily damaged bleeding and limping as he fell in a corner as he killed more wave after wave of the lab guards and personal
But he was getting tired and couldn't hold out anymore longer then he can he hears heavy steps of the elite fighters and he hears a flammable gas pipe leaking and gets an idea

Scorch starts humming as they draw near to him and got closer as he light a flame in his mouth a small one that was continued to grow then when they got close to his hallway he singed the last part of his tune

Scorch: ~everybody come hang let's go out with a bang~
And he launched his attack lighting the gas and making the place explode killing everyone around him as this was his last stand coming to an end he smiled before he closed his eyes for the last time.

With myth
Myth saw the explosion from 14 miles away and she shed a tear for scorches sacrifice for buying them time to escape

Myth: thank you scorch may you find peace for what you did today for us

Myth looks back at the riolu as he was tossing and turning in his knocked out state

Zero POV

I was walking around a place that looked unfamiliar to me then I hear whispering behind me and around me

Zero: who's there I can hear you
Zero: show yourself right now I'm not asking again

As zero gets closer to a main arena in the center of a town of some sort and it developed into burnout houses and charred grounds but what stood out the most was one little riolu smaller then him and he walked towards the riolu but as he got close it turned around to show it's face that was distorted and has black tears under its eyes and zero steps away from it getting ready to attack but felt he couldn't move his upper body to fight and he looks down to see hands holding him in place and he struggles to break free the distorted riolu from before appears closer to him and spoke in a glitching voice

??: why didn't you save me why didn't you keep your promise of never leaving me alone WhY DiDnT yOu SaVE Me
I sprang up from my slumped position and looked around frantically to see if I was in the dream and calmed down eventually when I realized I wasn't and sat down for only a second before I here someone walking towards me I jumped onto a branch a burst stepped towards the intruder and held them in a arm lock on the ground only to realize it was the same zeroaura that got me out of my chamber and helped them up

Zero: I am sorry I just woke up and I was by myself when I was woken up can you accept my apology

The zeroaura laughed and then stopped to breath and stood straight up to around my height and dusted themselves off before saying

??: I forgive you oh and my name is myth what's yours

I paused and looked confused at what myth just said

Zero: my name ....... I don't remember having a name
(Authors note his name is zero as it says as he talks but only in his POV and he not called zero by others yet just to clarify so if we are in his POV his name is zero by me and you guys so just wanted to you to understand anyway back to the story)

Myth: you don't remember having one what do you mean

Zero: I don't remember having one as I can tell I've only been called project zero for all my time

Myth: do have amnesia by any chance

I looked more confused

Zero: what's amnesia?

Myth: it means no recollections of your past

I understood what was said and then said

Zero: then yes I do have amnesia

Myth: well I'm not going to call you project zero so I'm calling you kid Is that okey with you until you remember your name

Zero: sure I'm okey with it myth

Myth: anyway let's move to town before it gets dark out, do you think you can walk

I walked around on my legs and there fine so I nodded

Myth: okey but just on the safe side -picks zero up and put him on her back- I'm carrying you until I'm sure your can walk besides you are looking tired still

Zero: fine

I replied with a blank face and then she ran into the forest for a while

(That's all folks thank you for being patient with me bye)

DNA project zeroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang