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We rush into the schools hospital.

"Hurry take her!" I order.

A woman takes Faith into a dark room. This may be the last time I will see Faith.

The tears of mine splash onto the cold tile floor. What now? My mom first, second Faith, and then Evan. My life is like a movie. An action packed movie that leaves you on the edge of your seat.

Evan puts his arm around me.

"It's all gonna be okay." He says.

"Everyone says that, but guess what, it's not okay, it will never be okay." I snap. I push his arm off me and run outside.

I arrive back at the school. Walking through the door I sobbed. I turn around the corner leading into the gym. Two unfamiliar guys are in there. I grab a sword and chop off a dummy's head.

I feel something grab my elbow and then another. The two guys pull me into the back closet. I struggle to escape. They strip me down, I kick one of there face.

"You want to play rough, we like rough" he says out of breath.

My left arm was free. In my belt I had the gun. I pull it out and shot one guy in the head. The other guy escapes with my clothes. I stand there in surprise. I walk out in my bra. I find some armor, I put that on. I run back to my room. I take off all my clothes and cry on the floor. Under my bed I find a note. I open it and read it.

You have to run. You can't stay. You need to find it. Save them. Save yourself. 4909

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