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Today is the testing day. In the room I was in I managed to find my bag under the bed. I zip it open. All I see is my clothes. There is no food left. Where could it have gone?

I struggle to put on my torn Jeans. I forgot to pack a bra so now I have to wear a uncomfortable tank top. I put on my flowey whit shirt and some black sneakers.

I hear my door crept open.

"Hey." Faith slowly says "I'm sorry!"

"For what?" I ask.

"About this whole thing, I messed up." Faith explains.

I don't say anything for the next minute.

"Are you nervous, you know about the testing" I ask her.

"Not really, I'm strong, my mind is a weapon too." She try's to play around.

Before I knew it the announcement went on to report the students to testing. I grab my sisters hand until we are separated.

The ninth graders were taken to the gymnasium. Mats were set up. There we guards and weapons.

"Okay, we will team up two people, boys, girls" a man orders "you will fight, you will feel pain but with the special armer you will have on will protect you!"

I sit down. My name was called.

"Autumn and Ryan." The man says "you are partners."

I look around to find Ryan. His brown shaved head, his dark green eyes. There is no chance of survival even if I have the armor on!

We walk up to the weapons. He chooses one quickly. I don't know what to choose. I just go simple with a long sword.

Ryan swings his spear. I jump back. He had an evil smile to him.

The battle begins. I jabs his spear at me but I doge in time. I give my sword a swing. I ended up throwing it across the gym. Now I have no weapon. He throughs the spear. I slides pass my side, skimming my skin. I let out a grunt. I looked down and grab the spear before him. I point it at his throat and through. I missed his throat but got it directly in his arm. He screams. He tries to pull it out but can't. I jump down on him pulling out the spear. He falls to the ground.

"Win goes to Autumn!" The man yells.

As shocked as I am and put on a big smile.

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