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"Are you ready?" I ask Faith.

She nods. We packed many things. The gun we had found. Clothes. Food. We are good. I put my hair up in a messy bun. I look at my sister, she rolls her eyes.

"Let's go then" Faith simply says.

She troughs the blankets, pillows, and our mattresses out the widow so we would have a chance of a safe landing.

"You go first" Faith says.

I swing my legs over the window. Breath in; breath out. I close my eyes. My hands let go and I fall to the ground. I land on my mattress. My ankles stung from the pressure. I then see Faiths body fall. She landed great as well.

She handed me a bag. We both ran out of the schools territory. I had no Idea were we were going but I followed my sister anyway. As we kept running I realized we were in our neighborhood.

As we get closer I smell smoke. I hear fire crackling. Houses are burning. People dead. People suffering. The people I knew gone. Everyone I love, gone. A waterfall of emotions drip down my face.

"We have to look for mom!" Faith confidently says.

I try to nod but I can't. I am frozen. In fear. In sadness. In anger.

I look for Faith. She is no longer in my sight.

"Faith!" I yell. No response. "Faith!"

In the smokey air I can see two people coming toward me. As they become clear I can tellers Faith and my mom. I run up to them. My mom is practically coughing blood. I take her. I settle her onto my lap. She strokes my hair.

"Goodbye" she says.

"No,no, your fine" I say without trying to cry. I look up at Faith she is crying. I look back down at my mom. She is gone. Her life taken. For no reason. My tears splash onto her face. I feel like the world is crumbling down onto me. It feels like me and my mom are just together. The fire closing in on me. It gets closer and closer. My tears put it out. This is it.

"I love you" I try to say. The words come out of my mouth like I can't breathe.

"Come on, we have to keep moving." Faith tries to put up a fight.

We run through the smokey place. My eyes sting. My throat burns. My feet are pounding. Faith stops and picks us a shotgun.

"Here" she says.

I reject the gun.

"This is the world we live in now" Faith says "open your mind, inhale the dark."

I take the gun. I follows Faith lead. My hands are trembling as we walk. I hear screams in the distance. What is going on?

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