Mall in the family

Start from the beginning

Skip to when you guys have an idea cause I gotta go to school soon and I have math first 🥲

"Dragon breath, that's it everybody loves that song. Give me your pocket." Dawn says. "Give me your lipgloss." Dicky says. "This isn't the swap meet. It's part of the plan. Now follow my lead." Dawn says as you all follow her. "Alright, everyone. Time to keep the in-mall entertainment going. Time to sing out strong!"
"Sing out loud, sing out proud! Every voice deserves a crowd la, la, la, la, every voice is beautiful la, la, la, la, every voice is musical, la, la, la, la-." "Excuse me. Excuse me. My frankie sings that song all the time..." the lady says and you all aww. "And I hate it. So if I give you $10, will you stop?" "But what if we don't?" Dawn asked as you guys continue. "$20?" You guys continue. "How about $30?" "Make it 50... and we'll throw in a boy. Your pick." Dicky says pushing Nicky and Ricky forward. "We'll take 30." Dawn says. "Guys, it worked!we got 30 bucks just to stop singing." "Now we just have to get dads food. Do any of you remember what mom wanted us to get him?" Ricky asked. "I don't know, I wasnt listening." Dicky says. "Me neither. That's probably what she wrote on the note. Who's got it?" Nicky asked. "Me, it's in my pant!" Dicky says. "Oh, that's great, it's in your pants that your not wearing!" Ricky says. "How could mom leave us alone in the mall?"

Skipping a bit

"Where's the lost and found?" Nicky asked. "Uh, turn around Dicky." Dawn says. "It's in this area by his derriere." Ricky says. "To his dairy area!" Nicky says. "No unattended children. What are we gonna do?" Nicky asked "hello, you lose them, we find them! Oh, hey girl. Yeah, they make me say that." "Who says we're all children?" Dawn asked. "Watch your teenage sister work her magic." "What do you think I should do with my hair? Should I pony it up?" "Hey, girl. Cute hair. You should totally pony that up. So here's the sitch. I'm in charge of my way younger bros, and one of them must've lost his pair of pants. My mom will totally freak and blame me if we don't fine them. Teenage problem am I right? Moms." "Wait, how old are you?" "Hey, your Randee. Lost and found Randee." "You've heard of me? People have heard of me." "Yah, I heard this guy Aramis tell this other guy Jaymis-." "Jaymis? Hand losh Jaymis? Because there's like five Jaymises." She names them. "This was tots losh Jaymis." "TLJ? OMG! TTFN. Deets." "Paish. He was all, Randee's cute. And Aramis was like, whatcha gonna do? And Jaymis was like, lose something so I can say hey." "Shut. Up." "I won't." "Then don't." "I'm not." "Seri?" "So." "No." "Yeah." "Wha." "Uh-huh." They both shriek. "What are they saying." Nicky asked. "I don't know." Ricky says. "I need to learn this language." Dicky says as the boys look at you. "Oh, no don't you look at me like that. I don't know anything about that 'language'." You say. "You should totes go get your losh on." "I don't like loshawn. I like Jaymis." "Whateves. Dip out. I'll cover for you." "For real?" "So fa." "T ya." "Welcs." "See ya. Move." She pushes you guys out the way. "Oh no she-." You get cut off my Nicky whispering to you. "Y/n don't." He whispered. "Now we just have to pick through a little box of clothes. Or a really big one.

Sorry I'm skipping so much.

"We're about to be emptied into the back of that truck, we gotta get out of here!" Dawn says. "My pants!" "Grab 'em." "Ahh!" "No! Great now we'll never find moms note." "Yes we will. I got us into this mess. I'll get us out. Tell my story." "Dicky!" You all yell. "He's gone. What are we gonna tell mom?" "His story." Ricky says. "I guess I'm the cool one now." Nicky smiles and you laugh quietly and Ricky gasps. "He did it! He got the jeans!" "I can't make it. My skirt is caught. Just take the pants." "No, we are not leaving here without you." "Grab my hand!" Nicky says. "I can't reach." "Use the jeans!" Dawn says. "Throw us a leg."


"We're back." Dawn says "safe and sound." Ricky says. "Oh, hey, dad, we got your burger-ito-pizza- on a stick wich?" "Food in mouth, now! Ooh. Mmm." "Customer 52. Sorry sir you stepped away from the counter. Take another number." "Wow, I'm impressed guys. You actually listened. Aw, I'm so proud of you." "Thanks." "Nailed it." "Told you, you could trust us." "Wearing pants." "Just one question. Where did you get the money to pay for all of this? Because a burger-ito-pizza- on a stick wich cost more than $20." "Uhh." "Come on. Spill it. Fine. We split up, spent the money, lost the note you gave Dicky-." "I checked my pockets, but- oh." "You had it there the whole time?" Ricky asked. "I don't know about the whole time, but what matters is it's there now." "If you have any problems, just come back. No questions asked." Dawn read. "Which you would've known, if you'd been listening." "So if we'd come back, you wouldn't have been mad?" Ricky asked. "No." "Are you mad now?" Nicky asked. "At your babies." Dawn says. "Oh, yeah. And disappointed. Until you kids learn to listen-." You guys were zoned out "you're not listening now, are you?" Anne says. "It's gonna take some practice." Ricky says. "I agree." You say. "99." Tom says. "We're gonna be here all night." Anne says. "But what if we're not?" Dawn says as you guys start singing so Tom can go and for everyone to leave.

A/n: yes I finished it in 2nd period I'll work on another chapter to.

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