Chapter 17: "I feel a bit homesick,"

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E.J's POV:

After signing a few autographs and taking pictures with fans while ignoring the paparazzi's questions, I finally spot a black car and a familiar face pull up at the beach boardwalk.

"Excuse me, Excuse me, ladies." I see my assistant Antoine with his annoying accent part way though the screaming fans with three security guys in tow.

I watch as one of the security guards controls the crowd of girls around me while the other guy tells them to back away. The third security guy grabs my hand and takes me to the black car where Antoine has gone back to sit in the back.

"We've been looking for you all over the place, your parents are worried sick about you. They had to make a hundred phone calls to postpone tour dates, meet and greets, and radio shows because of you, and who was that girl on TV? And why are you wearing a high school senior class hoodie?" I hear Antoine's annoying voice as I feel the car start to move and I hear his annoying voice again.

"What girl on TV?" I look back from the front seat even though I knew who he was talking about while noticing that I still have Gina's hoodie on.

Gina Porter's hoodie that kept me warm from that freezing cold beach.

"It's trending on every social media page and it's currently on the news. You were seen with a girl today before those fans ran up to you," I listen to Antoine while the driver drives ignoring us.

Shit. I didn't mean for this to happen.

"What?! Show me," I put my sunglasses on and turn to face the front.

"I wouldn't read the comments I would only look at the hashtag, "mystery girl"," I hear Antoine's accent as he hands me his cell phone from the back.

"Shit," I mumble as I stare at his phone and see a thousand tweets and the hashtag that he mentioned on his twitter page. I also see lots of pictures of Gina with the headline, "who is she?"

"Do you know who she is?" I look back and hand Antoine his phone again.

"No, she was just a fan asking for a photo," I lie convincing him, using my acting skills.

"You're going to have a lot of explaining to do when we get back to the tour bus. Your parents are waiting for you there," I hear Antoine say but I just face forward and put my hat on.

Gina probably turned her phone off by now. I feel so bad for doing this to her. She was so nice to me.

After riding in the car in silence for what feels like forever, we finally arrive at a parking lot where there are several tour buses and one specific bus with my face on it.

Great. I'm back to where I started.

I watch as one of the security guys opens the door for me and the other two lead the way to my tour bus.

Time to face my parents.

"We postponed a lot of concert dates and radio shows. You're parents had to tweet out that you lost your voice over the weekend as a cover up," I listen to Antoine say as I follow the security to my bus with my head down.

Well, at least I don't have to pretend to be happy for the next few shows.

I just nod my head and follow everyone to the bus.

"E.J Caswell, where were you? We were worried sick about you and we had to postpone so many tour dates. I almost called the police on you but your dad told me not to he said that he understood teenagers whatever that meant. Ugh what are you wearing? Go change in the back," I see my mom run up to me to hug me but I don't hug her back.

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