Chapter 2: "Been better how about you?"

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Gina's POV:

I woke up at 6:00 am sharp to work on my portfolio. I had a dream last night about this gorgeous pink dress and had to redesign it my way. The Gina Porter way. So, now here I am at 7:00 am trying to get my watercolor right. There are dress designs scattered all over my bedroom and some hanging on the wall but I think this is the best one I've created. It's still a work in progress though.

"Ugh I can't get the dress color right," I mumble to myself as I work on my current draft for my portfolio.

I was going to apply to FIT with my best friend, Kourtney and nothing was going to stop me not even some stupid watercolors that don't seem to be the right shade of pink.

I was going to apply to FIT with my best friend, Kourtney and nothing was going to stop me not even some stupid watercolors that don't seem to be the right shade of pink

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While I mess with my watercolors to get the right shade of pink, my Continuous Glucose Monitor starts beeping loudly. (A/N: A CGM  will be mentioned several times in the story. It's basically a very small need and patch that monitors glucose reading for diabetics)

It has the most annoying beeping sound. It sounds like a fire detector is going off. I should probably just turn my alarms off but I need it for in case my glucose reading is too high or low and I can't tell.

"Ugh," I groan to myself and put my paintbrush down while checking my meter.

Great. My glucose reading is 70 that's what I get for waking up and working on my portfolio without eating breakfast. It's too low and I didn't feel it coming. I hate this.

"Yeah, of course it's frustrating. You've been planning this for what months?" I hear my mom say in the kitchen as I tiptoe down the stairs to get something to eat.

"Right," I hear my dad say while holding his cell phone.

I quickly grab a banana and granola bar then head to the fridge to grab my water bottle. They don't even seem to budge or notice me. This is normal.

"Okay, did anyone take a statement?" My dad says on the phone as I walk around him.

"Keys?" I ask my dad andtye my hair up into a bun then take bite of the banana.

Hopefully my glucose reading will go up fast before school starts. I would hate to be droopy and out of focus in Miss Jenn's class. My favorite class has always been her AP Art and Design Class because she lets me work on my portfolio the entire time.

"Was there any footage at all?" My dad ask his co-worker on the phone ignoring me again while I finish my banana.

"I think it's a little late to get your deposit back, but" My Mom starts washing dishes and talking on the phone to someone else.

"Excuse me," I say to them as I check my CGM.

Good my glucose reading is 85 now that's much better. Ashlyn can't put up with crabby Gina first period anyway.

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