Chapter 1 ~ The Backstory//Getting ready to meet the family

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Tomathy Innit though prefers to be called Tommy was just a happy kid who enjoyed Minecraft and music. He had two loving parents and a amazing little sister named Luni.

Though not every story has a happy ending.....




It was Tommy's 8th birthday and they where going to celebrate. Tommy was sitting in the back seat, with his younger sister Luni resting her head on his arm. His parents where talking in the front about where they were going, Tommy had said he wanted to go to a laser tag place but also a movie. So they were debating on which to do first.

They had decided to go do laser tag first.

Though something didn't feel right with Tommy, he felt as if something bad was going to happen. Unfortunate for him he was right....


They had just finished the laser tag and where on there way to the movies. Tommy was having lots of fun and was joking with his sister in the back seat. What he didn't know was that a drunk truck driver was about to flip his entire life around.

They were stopped at an intersection at a red light laughing at a joke Tommy made. As the light turned green cars started to go, just as they made it into the middle of the intersection a giant semi ran the red light and rammed right into the side of there small car.

It all happened so quickly for Tommy, first he heard screaming, then he saw red, and lastly, black.


Tommy gasped as he awoke from the nightmare he had. He hated getting them, he always has nightmares of that day.

Tommy looked at the clock and read, 6:47am. He knew he couldn't go back to sleep due to his nightmare so he sat there and stared at the ceiling. Though he was suddenly awoke from his trance when a loud knock was heard from the door. It was Ms. Jane, she is one of the meanest staff members at the orphanage, though none of them where nice.


•Tommy's POV•


I was staring at the ceiling, counting each flake of paint that was peeling off. As I just got to the 1000s there was a loud knock on the door. I knew exactly who it was, Ms. Jane, she's the only one that cares to knock, mostly because she knows it annoys the shit out of me.

"Get up Tomathy! There's a family coming to see you, look presentable for once!" Ms. Jane yelled.

I groaned while looking over at the clock, apparently I've been counting flakes for over an hour. I get up and go to find my only nice pair of clothes, which was a white and red t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I brush the knots out of my hair, brush my teeth, and put on deodorant.

I stare at myself in the mirror for a minute, examining every scar on my face. I have scars all over my body from the crash and foster homes I've been to. Though the one I hated most was the giant scar across my face. It ran from the top of the right side of my four head to my left cheek almost to the bottom of my left ear, it left a slit in my eyebrow and my right eye partially blind. I can only see the black outline of things from my right eye, though luckily my left eye is fine. I got the scar from the crash, a giant piece of glass from the window was to blame. I think of it as another reminder of how much of a screw up I am.


I start my way down to the meeting room, I've been there countless of times and every time I get adopted, abused both mentally and physically, then thrown right back here for it to happen all again. It's become a routine at this point, this will be my 50th time being adopted. Maybe this will be the last... Ehh who am I kidding no one wants me, I'm just a toy for them to use until they become bored and throw me out for someone else to use...


I finally make it to the door of the waiting room, where I find Ms. Jane waiting for me.

"Now listen here brat, this family has come to see you, be on your best behavior and don't embarrass us, or there will be punishment!" She whisper-yelled.

I looked down at my feet and nodded. I already knew she would find a way I messed up and punish me anyway. I always seem to mess something up, started that one day and ever since I've just been a big mistake that messes everything up for everyone, including myself.


We walk into the room and I squint my eyes as the bright lights hit me. There is no one in there yet, luckily, so I have a minute to think. I sit down in a chair and wait. Ms. Jane walks out to grab the family, I start to shake, wondering what they're going to be like. Though my thoughts are cut short when the door opens....


*Hi my name's Ace! This story has no script, it's literally just what comes to mind as I type. I hope it's Oki. I'll be updating it whenever I find time and motivation, but there will be no upload schedule. Hope you enjoy!*

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