Chapter 3 ~ Talking with the Family//Adoption

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•Phil's POV•


I sit down in the seat in the middle, my boys sit down in the chairs on either side of me.

I look at the boy Infront of me, he looks different then what I pictured, he has curly hair like Wil that's golden blonde, almost like mine.  I study his features, he has bright blue eyes like diamonds, and lips that look as if they haven't smiled in years, only holding a frown now.  Though the most noticable thing is all his scars, mostly the giant one that traces right across his face, it looks to be a nasty scar which one can only wonder where it came from, along with his discolored right eye and the slit in his eyebrow which I can only assume is from the scar.

Though I got cut out of my trance when Wil nudges my chair and I realize I have been staring at the young teen for a little to long.  I notice how uncomfortable he looks and curse at myself because I know I'm the cause for staring at him.

"Uhh Hi, I'm Phil and these are my two sons. What's your name?" I ask trying to spark a conversation among the awkward silence. 


•Tommy's POV•


I look up as the adult, Phil I learn is his name, talks.  I go to speak but I stop myself, trying to think of what to say instead of embarrassing myself.

"Uhh m-my name is u-umm T-Tomathy, t-though I prefer T-Tommy." I try to make out only cursing at myself under my breath once I finish.  Realizing how stupid I must have sounded stuttering. 

The man, or should I say Phil, only chuckles.  Which I only take as pity.  I look back down to the floor, trying to calm myself.  As I look up I see the three staring at me.

"U-Umm w-what are y-your s-sons names?"

"Oh, well how about they introduce themselves, then we can ask you some questions and you can ask us some.  Does that sound good?" Phil asks, I only nod while looking at his feet, you can tell a lot about someone by there shoes. 

"Well then, go on boys, introduce yourselves." Phil states glancing back and forth between his son's. 

They both look at each other until the curly brown haired boy starts to talk.

"Hi!  My name's Wilbur but you can call me Wil.  I enjoy music and I write songs and play the guitar!" The brown haired guy, or should I say Wil, exclaims.

I chuckle, I bet his music sucks though I can't say that aloud.  I know if I did I would get a nice beating.

The pink haired boy speaks up.

"Uhh, my name is Technoblade, though please just call me Techno.  I enjoy Minecraft, fighting specifically sword fighting, and reading or poetry." The pink hair, Techno, says introducing himself. 

I can't help but laugh, Technoblade, really?!  These names are the stupidest most weirdest names I've ever heard.

The three of them just stare at me, though, Phil starts to chuckle.

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