Chapter 2 ~ The Family

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•Phil's POV•


After a few hour drive we finally made it to the orphanage, it had been a tuff job but I finally convinced my son's that having a new addition to the family wouldn't be to bad. 

We looked through some of the files of the kids yesterday during dinner, I had decided not to let Wil or Techno pick the child.  Only knowing the chaos it would bring, instead I had decided on a young teen that was said to be troublesome and different.  I only hope I can help the young teen, so here we are at the orphanage ready to meet the teen and see if he wants to be adopted.


I had just locked up the car and was now walking in with Wil and Techno, they have been nervous about meeting the boy but fairly excited nonetheless.  Though you could only see the excitement from Wil, Techno had his usual stone cold face. 

We walk in and over to the front desk, there's a lady seeming to be in her early 50s sitting there typing away at her computer.  As we stand in front of the desk she looks up before going back to her computer. 

"Uhh hi we're here to meet-" I started.

"You're here to meet Tomathy I presume?" The woman spat not ever looking up from her computer.  How rude.

"Uhh ah yes we're here for Tomathy." I stated trying to keep my cool, I can already see how bad this place is and I haven't even seen anything yet.

The woman stood up, I could read her name tag, apparently her name was Ms. Jane.  I already don't like her but it's fine, as long as she doesn't pull something then we'll be fine. 

"Wait here I'll go get Tomathy, then I'll come get you guys!" Ms. Jane yelled back to the family not even looking back before disappearing upstairs. 

I turn to the boys who are awkwardly standing behind me, they aren't to fond of orphanages but they still came nonetheless which makes me happy.  I take them to sit in the chairs in the corner of the room, we wait silently, minutes pass by till Ms. Jane finally barges in the room with a disgusting look on her face.  Though as soon as she saw us she put on an obvious fake smile and waved us over. 

I stood up, with the boys soon following behind me as we walked over to Ms. Jane who was leading us through the halls to what I presume is the meeting room.  Once we finally get there she opens the door and walks in, after I adjust my eyes to the bright light I follow behind her, and my boys follow behind me. 


•Tommy's POV•


The door opens and I watch as Ms. Jane walks in with a tall guy, he looks to be in his 30s and has beach blonde hair and is wearing a green and white bucket hat with a green and white robe and some weird looking sandals.  Behind him is two teens that look to be about 16, one has curly chocolate colored hair and is wearing a maroon colored beanie with a yellow sweater and black jeans and he has a pair of white vans on.  The other one has bubblegum pink hair that's neatly braided and runs to his lower back, he is wearing what looks to be a crown with a white dress shirt and a red fluffy cape with black jeans as well, and he is wearing a pair of black combat boots.  What weirdo's.

They walk-in and sit in the chairs in front of me while Ms. Jane leaves the room waving to the adult Infront of me as she leaves.  I try to stop my shaking, I hate it, it shows my weakness, my vulnerability.  I stare down at the ground, the silence is suffocating at this point, I feel so awkward.  There probably judging me right now, I mean who wouldn't, I look so ugly with all my scars.  Though my thoughts are cut short when the adult starts speaking.


*Hi!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it would be longer but my motivation has left, plus I have an essay I've been procrastinating on so I have to get that finished or at least started lol.  I hope to get the next chapter out soon, but anyways BYEEEEE!*

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