Chapter 4 ~ Leaving Hell

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Techno's POV•


I walk along with Wil, closely trailing behind Ms. Jane. I am trying to keep a close eye on her, I've been in an orphanage and I know everything that goes down in here. I can tell Ms. Jane's not a nice caretaker to Tommy, by the way she talks about him or to him, and the way she looks at him or the faces she makes after talking to him.

I luckily was adopted at an early age but I still went through some things since I was put into the orphanage with Wil at the age of 3, though luckily Dad found us and helped us, I can only hope he can do the same for Tommy.


After about a minute walk we make if to a small room, almost like a storage closet. I watch as Ms. Jane barges into the room with no warning. She walks inside with me and Wil following behind, once we get in the small tight room I see Tommy sleeping. He has tearstained cheeks and red puffy eyes, though, he looks almost peaceful.

Though his peaceful slumber is put to an end when Ms. Jane grabs his shoulders and violently shakes him. I rush over peeling her hands off of him, I can hear him groan and shift around in his bed. I look at him, he's now turned the other way with a scared expression plastered all over his face.

I look back at Ms. Jane and give her a stone cold glare and I watch as she shivers.

"We will take it from here, you can go back to your office, we will bring him down." I spat at her, not once breaking eye contact.

I watch her nod her head and groan, walking quickly out of the room. I look at Wil then back at the boy, I look back at Wil and he seemed to still not be getting the hint.

"Wil... I want you to help me pack his things dipshit." I sighed.

I watch him give me a eye roll, though without any complaints, he went and grabbed an empty bag sitting at the corner of Tommy's bed and starts stuffing it with clothes. I go and find another bag under his bed, though it already has stuff in it. I open it to take a peek at its contents, I pull out everything, finding a small blanket, a stuffed cow, a phone and charger, a small notebook, and a razorblade....

I put everything back in the bag, cautious of the blade, I should ask Tommy about this later, I think to myself. I get up from the floor and walk to Tommy's bathroom seeing as Wil has already gotten all his clothes which wasn't much, though that's no surprise.

Orphanages only give you a pair of nice clothes to wear for when you meet a family, though the rest is up to you, all you can do is hope you get a nice family that will give you some, though it seem for Tommy that wasn't the case. I quickly grab all his toiletries and stuff them in his bag.

"We should check everything once more to make sure we got everything." Wil explains quietly as to not wake the sleeping teen.

"Good idea, I'll carry Tommy down and you can carry the bags."

Wil nods and takes Tommy's other bag from me. We search the room once more making sure we left no trace of anyone ever being here. Then I grabbed a sleeping Tommy and put him on my back gently, trying not to wake him.

I follow Wil back down the stairs as we make our way to the front desk. Though as we walk I realize something, Tommy's really light, which if you didn't know is not normal for a teen. I decide I'll talk with him later after we get him home and settled.

After a little bit of walking we finally make it to the front desk to be greeted by Dad handing papers to Ms. Jane, which I assume is the adoption papers. He turns to us and flashes his pearly whites at us in the most heartwarming smile, I always have loved Dad's smiles, he has a different one for each mood. Though you'll find those out when the time comes.

"You boys ready? Tommy is officially ours, isn't that exciting?" Dad asks grinning widely, looking almost like it hurts.

Both Wil and I nod our heads trying to stay quiet to not wake Tommy. Dad looks at us oddly, though I just turn a little to show him Tommy and he only smiles wider and nods. I watch him turn to Ms. Jane and nod, he waves us over as he starts for the entrance. I look over to Wil and he looks at me before we make our way out, heading to the car. I watch Dad give a wave bye to Ms. Jane before following us to the car.

Dad unlocks the doors and Wil opens one of the backseat doors, I then gently set Tommy down on the seat, buckling him in. Once I'm done buckling him, Wil gently closes the door trying not to wake the sleeping teen. Wil stares at me dead in the eyes before walking and hopping in the passenger seat, I give no complaints as I was hoping to sit with Tommy, it may be weird but I feel I have already started growing attached. I gently get into the seat beside Tommy trying to stay as silent as possible.

Dad gets in the driver's seat and we make our way towards home.


*Ello! Sorry this took longer than expected but anywho hope you liked this chapter, I hope to get another one out sometime this coming week maybe. But anyways BYEEEEE!*

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