-The Cult of the Hero-

Start from the beginning

(Y/n's emblem if you forgot)

She was wearing a white and gold robe which was wrapped tightly around her body revealing her large bust whilst also hugging her waist. A single strand of black hair fell loose from her hood as she sat in her chair her green eyes staring at the thirteenth brother or more precisely at what was in his hands a cylindrical hilt which belonged to Altair and before him y/n. The weapon of the hero, the one they worship.

The thirteenth brother approached her before kneeling and presenting the hilt to her which she took with a shaking hand. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson as a bead of sweat ran down her forehead, she started breathing heavily upon holding the hilt.

Thirteenth Brother: First sister, that holy relic was upon the child's waist when we captured him, he offered some resistance but we have detained him and he awaits your judgement within the detainment block.

The woman now known as the first sister gave a hum of thought before giving the Thirteenth brother a closed eye smile. she then stood from her seat and addressed the rest of the council.

First Sister: This meeting is now adjourned as I must take some time to meditate with our lord's weapon.

She turned to a large set of double oaken doors and slipped through the crack within it, she clipped the weapon to her waist and continued towards the inner sanctum.
The doors led to a large museum-like room with lots of exhibits on display, this was the inner sanctum, all the items in the room were related to y/n, there is a jar with y/n's lost arm and rows of statues with his old clothes on, the art that hung on the walls were all paintings of photos of y/n in action such as his huntsman debut and the finals of the Vytal Festival, the woman rushed through the rows and took a path leading to another set of doors before she went through them she stopped at a podium which had a small plinth upon it which was displaying a thin braid of hair, over the top of the plinth was a glass jar which vacuum-sealed the item. She undid the seal and smelt the braid upon the plinth hungrily her eyes filled with lust, she then resealed the hair and ran through the doors into her sleeping quarters where the sounds of moans echoed for the next hour.


*meanwhile in Coruscant*

A long well lit hallway with one side being made from glass revealing a beautiful view of the metallic metropolis. Thuds echoed down the hallway as Tarkin and Vader walked away from the senate hall.

Tarkin: we have an increase of uprisings within the nobility, they are organised and have started getting bolder its only a matter of time before we have the nobility turn against us.

Tarkin explained as Vader walked unmoving, unyielding, his mechanical breathing is the only noise that left the sith lord.

Vader: Then I will crush them.

Vader stated coldly his fist clenching as The pair stopped and turned to the elevator to Tarkin's office.

Tarkin: indeed, but I believe that we can stop them before they become a true threat, we must expose their leader's hypocrisy.

The t.v in the elevator suddenly burst to live and displayed the Imperial political news or the IPN for short.

Newsreader: - that's all from the Senate broadcast but tune in as we have an exclusive interview with Senator Palpatine, who pledges to free the empire from Vader's tyranny.

The Newsreader said an uncertain edge to her voice as her face showed clear doubt that Palpatine could stop the sith lord.

Tarkin just watched with amusement as the senator entered the studio and sat opposite the Newsreader. Vader simply ignored the broadcast as it was insignificant next to the power of the force.

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