" It's not! Wen Chao is mine! I love him! "

" But he doesn't love you Ms. Wang. He loves Ms Lan now. Isn't it the reason why he got engaged with her? "

" No! I'm the one he loves! Not that bitch! "

" Sadly, that's not the case here Ms. Wang. "

" Shut up! Shut up! " she said and was going to pull the trigger, when someone knocked her out from the back making her faint. It was Feng Hui, the Lan family's butler.

" Many thanks Sir Feng!"

" No problem Ms. Wang. Good job for taking immediate action."

" No worries! I'm just doing my job as the Young miss' assistant and protector! " He said as he looked at Wangji who's already looking at him. She then turned her head away to avoid looking at him further.

' So shy. ' he thought chuckling internally.


Lying in a bed, a man slowly blinked to get himself awake. His sight was blurry until it  finally got a clearing. He eyes hurt as he was faced with a bright light up above. Turns out, it was the light bulb.

" You're finally awake. " a voice spoke making the man look at them.

" Binghe. Where's Xie Lian? What happened after I lose consciousness? Where are we?  Arghh" the man said as he rose abruptly making him feel the pain of the bruises around his  body. The bastards really aimed for his upper body making him unable to even properly breathe or move about.

" Slowly, slowly Cheng xiong. " Binghe said as he started supporting Hua Cheng.

" After you fainted from the hands of the enemy,  some ally interferred spreading some tear gas around the room saving the two of you from the hands of the foe. "

Truth be told, Hua Cheng was badly bruised by the hands of the men since he can't fight due to Xie Lian being held  hostage. They punched him until he can't stand to fight anymore making him faint. All the while, he heard Xie Lian's screams for the men to stop what they were doing to him. It hurt Hua Cheng's heart.

" Ally? " he asked when he finally was able to sit up on the bed.

" Yes. In fact, this is their base. Here drink this first. " Luo Binghe said as he gave water to Hua Cheng. The latter reached for it and then drink it slowly. Afterwards he uttered, " I see. Thanks. " Then giving back the glass to Luo Binghe.

" No problem Cheng Xiong. "

" A-Cheng! " A females voice suddenly exclaimed. She immediately went half running towards Hua Cheng and hugs him.

" Ooof! "

" Sorry sorry. I'm so sorry A-cheng. Did I hurt you? "

" I am fine A-lian. Worry not." he told the woman comforting her from her worries. Xie Lian sighed in relief as she heard the words smiling.

" I'm glad. " she said and went to hug him again. Not seeing how Hua Cheng's face twitched a bit. Luo Binghe saw it and was going to tell Xie Lian about it when he saw Hua Cheng shook his head indicating that he leave it at that.

" I am glad as well. By the way Binghe, who's this ally you were talking about? " Hua Cheng said as he palmed Xie Lian's back up and down to soothe her from her worries.

" Ah, that. They said they we're the Young Miss brother's men. The young Master decided to help her sister with her plans and so he sent some of his men to help us in case we need some help. "

" But aren't they drug dealers? How are we so sure that they can be trusted? "

" It's fine A-cheng. They are loyal to the young master so we can trust them. In fact, I was talking to one of their men earlier before coming here, confirming their intentions. " Xie Lian uttered smiling as she pulled away from Hua Cheng.

" I see. Then, I'll trust your judgement A-lian.  " Hua Cheng said smiling at his wife as well. Luo Binghe pretended to not see anything as he excused himself leaving the two alone.


At the party, the dancing started after the people had dinner. It was as if the ruckus with the woman earlier didn't happen at all. But a certain Wei Ying is currently feeling bitter as he saw his wife dancing with Wen Chao amidst the other couple dancing.

Lan Xichen on the other hand had been watching him ever since he noticed how his girly face went sour while looking upon the couple dancing. He decided to go to the personal assistant of his younger sister to speak to her.

" Ms Wang." he uttered as he reached Wei Ying. Wei Ying turned his face towards the voice. But his eyes are still on the couple dancing.

" Young master! May I help you with anything? " he said making Lan Xichen's eyes widened a tad.

' Ah, I see now why you look like this. ' Lan Xichen thought chuckling.

" I just want to thank you for saving my Younger sisters life earlier. "

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