Ripped Clothes

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He huffed and looked down at the ground below him, I don't think he even has a fear of heights. "I guess..." He mumbled. "Come on bud, let's get down."



TW: gore, injury

He carefully shuffled out of his big cats lap and made his way over to me. Though anybody else, including myself, would be panicking from being in a tree this high up, Antonio remained calm.

I reached out my hand to his and he took it. His tiny hand only wrapped around some of my fingers, and I carefully began to walk on the limb. My balance honestly wasn't all there, the heels on my boots not being an ally in trying to keep my up.

I struggled not sway and I could tell Camilo noticed. He had a worried look in his eyes as he waited for us to reach the end.

I made it close to the end and I let Antonio get infront of me, and Camilo picked him up and set him down on the more solid ground. I heard Antonio whine about something and it made Camilo smile. He leaned up against the beginning of the branch and reached out his hand to me.

I bent down to take it and I felt my heel slip from the bark. I heard the scrap and my leg shot down of the side.

I whipped around and tried to catch my balance. I quickly shot the hand that was in the air down and tried to grip the bark. I felt a tug on my sleeve and assumed it was Camilo, but my body had already twisted off the side. my nails dug into the bark but it quickly faltered as the I felt the wood escape my finger tips.

Everything was quiet, I tried to grab onto the things around me. I collided with branchs as birds desperately tried to catch me with their talons, only causing my sleeves to rip and causing crimson smudging across my flailing arms. I kicked and tried to yell, I couldn't hear it. It was no use anyway.

I kept on hitting things as I lost my vision and breath. Then with a final thud I blacked out.

Camilos POV

I reached out my hand to Y/N, Antonio was used to this, but with how Y/N was wobbling? I didn't want to risk it. He smiled and he bent slightly to take my hand. I then saw his leg buckle and shoot out from underneath him, causing him to slip.

I gasped and reached out to him, desperately trying to grab him. I felt my fingers graze his sleeve, I clamped down but he quickly slipped out of it.

"Y/N!" I yelled, looking down to see his body falling. I quickly tried to rush down the tree. I saw birds scrambling to his side, desperately trying to catch him, but it only slowed the falling.

I winced as I scraped my hand on the tree bark but I contuied scaling the huge tree. Damn it! Good job, first time having a friend over in who knows how long and you've killed him.

I heard Y/N yell, but it was more of a scream. I quickened my climbing, skipping over limbs and almost slipping myself. My hands and knees burned but the adrenaline was an even stronger flame.

I heard yelling, or screaming? or were those just animals? I couldn't look around, I was focused on one thing. The ground.

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