Into Town

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Y/Ns pov

I saw the center of town from where I was staying, it's vibrancy spreading through the streets. I wanted to see it. Hobbling over to the door, I opened it. For the first time in weeks fresh air hit me. It was wonderful. It was sweet, twinged with flowers and baked goods. I looked around, scanning to see if my father was anywhere to push me back into the house. When I didn't see him, I made my way slowly into the color of the town that I ached for.

     Children were laughing and playing games, and stands covered by shade lined the streets selling colorful fruits, clothes, jewelry, and other things and trinkets. There was a short stone wall that circled around a fruit tree that was rich with white blossoms, and a boy wearing an orange poncho sat on it, telling something to a group of kids who sat earnestly on the dusty stone road.

     I watched as the boy around my age made exaggerated gestures with his arms and hands and made goofy faces at the kids. The boy then stood up and in a blur was replaced by a tall women in a white top, and a flowy long red skirt that was tightened at her waste. She had lots of dark brown curly hair that was met in a bun on the top of her head. I looked in confusion as the women made exaggerated motions about her surroundings.

     Then, in the blink of an eye the boy was back, going back to whatever story he was telling to the kids. I heard a snicker behind me and I jumped. turning around quickly to see a girl with short black curly hair, green glasses, and a long blue skirt,  very close to me.

    She didn't notice me at first, bit when she saw me looking at her and apologized. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to just stand behind you like that!" She said quickly.

  "Oh, it's ok! I just got a little startled, I was just watching... that kid." I said motioning to the the curly haired boy.

     "Oh! Yeah! That's my cousin, Camilo. He usually is around entertaining the kids with his gift." She said, looking at him. I tilted my head in confusion at the word 'gift'. The girl noticed my confusion, "Oh I'm sorry, you must be that boy who came here a couple weeks ago right? That means we haven't properly introduced! I'm Mirabel Madrigal." She said we a smile, offering her hand out to me with much enthusiasm.

     "Oh um, y/n l/n, and yeah, me and my dad came here a couple weeks and he's been busy with work, and I've just been at home resting." I softly chuckled, trying to light the situation with my leg and arm.

      "Oh? Are you hurt?" Mirabel asked, scanning me for any injuries. When she lifted my right arm I winced in pain.

     "Oh jeez, come with me! I know just the person who can help you!" She said, looping her arm with my other arm, trying to drag me along but my leg ended up buckling beneath me, almost bringing me and Mirabel down, but she thankfully caught me and herself before either of us hit the ground.

      She apologized again and I tried to reassure her it was ok, and that its been like this for awhile, but this only brought a tension into her eyes. she walked me more slowly, and gave me more support. I would've been upset about her pity on me normally, but I desperately wanted help, even if I didn't say it.

      As we walked Mirabel was explaining the gift her family possesses, and tried to introduce me to her families gifts, though I was having a hard time remembering who had what gift. We were approaching a big house that had a brick wall with a big bright blue door, Mirabel kicked the door with the toe of her shoe until the girl with the red dress I saw earlier answered, "Are you going to Tia Julieta?" She asked in a soft hushed voice.

    Mirabel nodded, "Yeah do you know where she is?" " She's in the kitchen, I told her that I thought we might have a guest over who might want s
have an appetite. " She said, giving me a quick smile before dipping her head and walking away quickly.

     "Who was that?" I asked, but Mirabel was focused, she walked me into the house, leading me to a kitchen where a woman stood, she was wearing a light blue dress and was pulling something that smelled amazing out of the oven.

      "Hola mija!" The women greeted, taking off her oven mitt and kissing Mirabel on the forehead. Mirabel greeted her back and explained that I need something to eat, it began to click to me that this was Mirabel's mother, the women who could heal injuries with the food she made.

     "ah yes, Dolores told me, get your friend here to sit down, and what was your name?" The woman asked me as Mirabel sat me down at the small dining room table that stood in the middle of the kitchen. It was a dark wood table, and with closer inspection had pale plate and glass rings that stained it. 

     "I'm y/n, its a pleasure to meet you..." I tried to rack my brain for the woman's name, "... Julieta?" I asked, not so confidentially. She laughed and nodded, placing a plate in front of me that had a warm, gooey roll that was sprinkled with cinnamon and sweet frosting.

     I very carefully took a bite of the roll, trying not to get frosting on my hands or leave crumbs on my shirt or table. I winced and grabbed my arm, as both my arm and my leg tensed as the throbbing that had been there for weeks finally dissipated. 

      "Feeling any better?" Julieta had asked, wiping her hands on a washcloth, Mirabel was now sitting on the counter next to a big plate that had even more rolls on it, and she was stuffing one into her face, not caring where the frosting got.

"Y-yeah... I do. Sorry, I think I just need a minute to adjust to the whole magic gift thing." I let out some nervous laugter, I was honestly a little freaked out about the capabilities of a roll. I thanked her and tried to use my manners while finishing the roll, but it was so sweet that I ended up stuffing the last couple bites in my mouth. Mirabel laughed as she washed her hands and face.

     "So, how old are you y/n?" Mirabel asked, I began to stand, feeling lopsided now that me leg was healed. "Oh, I'm 15. How old are you?" I asked, grabbing my plate and putting it in the sink, I was now standing right beside Mirabel as I began to wash my hands.

      "Oh! You and my cousin are the same age! Camilo is 15 too." She said, avoiding my question of her own age. "Maybe you and him would get along! Well, if you're ok with guys who are dastardly trouble makers." I laughed as she nudged me with her elbow playfully, spritzing the water off her hands and into the sink.

     "Camilo!" I heard a familiar voice grunt, and standing in the doorway of the kitchen was a very ticked off Mirabel. My eyes then darted to the Mirabel standing beside me, she let out a goofy laughed and then in a  blur was the boy from the market place, Camilo.


Yo! Second chapter lets go.

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