Morning.... Afternoon...

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I heard clinking behind me, I turned to see my dad, looking tired and scruffy as he sat down a new bottle on the table, which already had two empty ones on it.

"Um, good evening."


"Where.... Where you've been?" My dad asked, his eyes hazy as he look up at me from the table.

"Um, I left a note? I was just out-" He cut me off.

"The note said when.... Where?" He asked again, I was frustrated that he'd been drinking but in tried to remain calm, he was stressed. Hopefully this doesn't become a habit.

"I was at a friends... They invited me for dinner..." I said, looking down at the floor. It was hard to look at him.

"Who?" He asked, even though it was only one word it seemed like it took him ages to finish it.

"Her name was Mirabel, Mirabel Madrigal?" I said, hoping he heard of them so I didn't have to explain. Having it explained to me was hard enough, trying to explain it to a drunk guy would be a nightmare.

"Are... Are those those... Those uh... Kids with the magic or... Or something.?" He asked, the more he talked the more I realized his words were beginning to slur.

"Yes dad- " "I don't know about that family..." He said, cutting me off. I would've usually been more upset if my dad himself didn't look... Like this.

"Oh, well um, maybe its time for bed?" I suggested, reaching over and grabbing the lamp off the window sill, placing it on the table in front of my dad. I haven't really seen him up close since uve mostly been asleep and he's been at work, but the lamp illuminated a scruffy beard that desperately needed to shaved, and e/c eyes had dark rings under them, almost making him look like a raccoon.

He grunted which I took as a yes. I carefully slipped to bottle out of his hand and supported him as I tried to get him to get out of the chair.

"You can have the couch tonight, dad." I said, helping him over to the couch. I made sure that he had completely laid down before I threw a blanket over top of him. I grabbed the lamp from the table and sat down on the makeshift bed on the floor.

"Good night, dad." I said before kissing him on the forehead and blowing out to lamp. I set it careful long on the ground and wrapped up in a thin blanket, Camilo's jacket keeping me warm on this surprisingly cold night.

This felt... Wrong. Wasn't I supposed to be the one who was tucked into bed ? I thought. When did the roles swap? When was I the one caring for my dad. My... My family. Me and him are my only family. The thought hit me like a ram.

I slowly and quietly started cursing to myself, trying to not cry, but when I began to hear my dad snoring, I buckled. I softly started sobbing, gritting my teeth as hot tears rolled down my face. I pulled on my hair. Stop it. Stop. But I couldn't.

The more I told myself to stop crying to more tears came, the more tightly my jaw clenched, and the more I pulled on my hair.


I don't know how long I was like that for, but I woke up with sunlight directly in my eyes and a killer headache.

My face felt crusty and stiff from tears, snot, and drool. I looked over on the couch to see my dad wasn't there any more. Probably off to work.

I sat up and brushed whatever dust may have gotten on me, I looked down at mg clothes. I completely forgot I was wearing Camilo's jacket. The building was warm and stuffy, so I took off the soft orange coat. I tried to rub my face awake as I looked around the makeshift kitchen.


I let out a frustrated sigh. My stomach grumbled, I clenched it. I looked in my dads coat pockets to see if there was anything, money, food, anything.


I let out mumbled curses and walked out of the house, at this rate I would have to start working just to get breakfast. Honestly? I didn't really mind. I used to work at a family friends for pocket change, but I had to stop.

The warm morning... I looked up. Afternoon, sunlight hit my face and greeted me. I walked over to the water hose. I turned it on and ran the cold water over my hands, I began to rinse off my face, the water soaking the white cuffs of my sleeves and the collar of my shirt.

I cupped my hands and took a sip of the water, it tasted like mud, but it was cold and send a chill through me that woke me up. I shook the water off my hands and rolled up my sleeves. The bottom of my dark brown boots was now wet, giving them a glossy look.

I began to walk into town, scanning the stands. I'm not really sure what I was looking for. Food? Maybe Mirabel or Camilo? I saw a stand that was set up outside a bakery, loaves of fresh bread lined the stand as a women came out, with even more bread.

Looking at the bread, my stomach grumbled again and I clenched it. God, damn to hell bread. I made my way over to the stand, the heels of my boots clicking against the stone ground. I carefully watched as children played, making they didn't run into me.

The women clapped her hands, trying to get off remaining flour that clumped on her hands. She noticed me approaching and gave me a sweet smile. I was now standing in front of the stand, the smell of fresh bread overwhelmed me as the hunger in my stomach increased.

"Hi! Is there anything I can do for you today?" She asked sweetly.

"Hi. Um, I'm y/n, I just moved here with my dad, and I was wondering, is there a possibility that I could maybe help you? I just need some money or food... And I can do a lot to different things! And you don't have to give me a lot and-" I was caught off guard by the woman chuckling softly.

"Don't worry, you actually came just in time. Noon is when I start to do my bread route. " She gave me a kind smile, my eyes widened as a smile spread across my face.

Gonna end this chapter here and start working on the next one >:)

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