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     Growing up, y/n lived with his father, mother, and sister in a small village far away from encanto. Threats were starting to be made against y/ns village from a group of bandits who lived outside of town, they used ransoms and blackmail to get what they wanted from the people, and this made tensions high in the village. Normally the market would be filled with kids laughing and adults exchanging stories to each other, but now the loudest things were the sound of walking and dust being blown.

     Y/ns family barely had enough money to support themselves, they had began to pack up their belongings and were going to leave their home, away from poverty, and away from the thugs that threatened them. In about a week they were going to be ready to leave, but that was cut short.

    The smell of smoke flooded into the small house, and y/n had been woken up by coughing and a pain in his throat and chest, spiraling around he realized that the home was on fire. Rushing around his room wildly, he frantically tried to grab his belongings that were scattered around his room. He rushed out, trying to get out as quickly as possible. The weight of the bags pulling him down, he tripped over a wooden beam that was a blaze.

    Wincing in pain, he continued to rush to the door and go outside. The cold night air hit his face and lungs heavy. The sweat on his back turned cold in the night air making him wince, and the pain from his leg was starting to set in. He could hear people around him, there was shouting and people running frantically, children were crying for their parents.

     Then it hit him. His family was still inside. With new found adrenaline he threw the bags off of him and rushed back into the smoldering house. The smoke almost instantly greeted his lungs, making him cough, but he didn't care. His legs burned as he limped through the house, desperately trying to make it to his parents bedroom.

His parents door was popping as fire was eating away at its wooden frame, the metal door handle red, and was hot to the touch, and y/n winced as the palm of his hand was scorched by the metal. 

     In a frantic burst of desperation he slammed his shoulder against the burning door, praying that the wood would give in a break, letting him in. He grunted as the flames met the cloth of his shirt and his skin, but adrenaline overrode it and he continued to ram his body at the door.

     Eventually, the door buckled and he bursted into the room, frantically he scanned the room for his family, and there he saw them huddled in a corner with a blanket draped over them, trying to shelter themselves from the smoke in the air and the embers that fell from the roof. y/n was frantically trying to get them to leave with him, but only his father moved.

     His mother and his sister laid there, passed out from the smoke and the heat, he tried to grab them, wake them, anything but his leg fell from beneath him. Knowing it was a wasted effort, y/ns father tore y/n from the rest of his family and carried the boy outside. Kicking and screaming like a child y/n begged to return and get the two, but his father didn't comply as he grabbed the bags and mounted the families frightened horse with y/n and rode out of the crumpling town.

     Y/n screamed and cried as the two rode, he could see the red flames of the town as they rode through the woods, but the farther they got away, the stench of smoke still lingered.


     Three weeks had passed by since y/n and his father fled, the traveled for about five days before stumbling upon the beautiful town on encanto. The townspeople welcomed them with open arms and allowed them to stay in encanto until they were ready to leave, or move into the town.

     The townspeople had been gracious enough to let y/n and his father stay in a small, vacant house on the edge of town. Y/ns father had began to work for the man who borrowed them the house, and the people in town tried to give their space to the rather freaked out and tired y/n. 

     But y/n thought that he was finally ready to introduce himself to the town, his leg and arm were still throbbing in pain, but he wasn't tired, and he was determined to make his way into town, even if he had to limp there.


Woo! First chapter!! Sorry if this was a little to long, but I wanted to give y/n some backstory so future interactions would go along more smoothly! Please feel free to tell me what you think so far! :)

moving the a/n down here <3 - Jan 17, 2022

Thank you for reading!!! heres the A/N

CW/TW for physical and substances abuse by y/ns father

Camilo and y/n are minors!! Nothing in this story is going to be sexual, and Id appreciate it if no on else sexualized them.

If you want to give critiques, suggestions or corrections feel free to!!

Also before we begin, I am white, and this can affect my writing of y/n, so if I do something that is offensive or incorrect culturally in the story, feel free to correct me and educate me!!

enjoy <3


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