Small, Cold, and Miserable

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I began to hear my name being called but Camilo still petted my head and had his hand on my arm. "Y/n! Y/n, where are you? I have the-! oh there you-!" It was Pepa, I could hear her foot steps stop right behind me.

"Camilo! What are you doing to y/n??" Pepa asked, loudly and sternly, but not quite yelling.



"Mami, calm down, Casita was messing with y/n, was just making sure he was ok." He said calmly. Not even going to mention the fact you're treating me like a scared puppy?

"Oh... I see. Well, y/n, I have the money that you need to give to Señora Carmen." Pepa said, walking over to me and Camilo. The curly haired boy finally realised me, he had a calm but satisfied look on his face. I turned away from him quickly, hoping he didn't notice my red face. Pepa then handed me the money for the bread.

"Thank you, Tia Pepa... I think I should go... I think your house might have it after me." I joked, letting out a nervous laugh, looking around at the furniture like it was going to come out and get me.

Pepa laughed, nudging me towards the door, "Yes, yes. Casita is known to do that with guest!" She said. I counted the money before leaving, trying to get back to the bakers stand as quick as possible for my payment.

I rushed through the market, trying not to hit people with the cart. I saw Señora Carmen at her stand, exchanging money for a loaf of bread. After she was done putting the money in her pocket, she saw me and waved.

"Here you go!" I said, handing her the pouch full of clicking coins. I turned the cart at the side of the stand and returned the list to her.

"Did you run into any trouble? Took you a bit longer then what I expected." She asked, whipping her hands on her apron.

"Oh uh," I began to rack my brain on how to explain that I got puppy treatment from the shape shifting Madrigal. "um. I ran into this kid... And... He was just.... Being annoying?" I said, though even she could tell that my words weren't confident.

She gave me a sly grin that spread across her face, which only caused me to get embarrassed. It was almost like she knew. What are you talking about? I didn't lie. Camilo was a kid, and he was being annoying. But I had to admit even if it was embarrassing, I liked the attention.

"Mhm, okay..." She said, shooting me a 'yeah sure, that totally happened' look. I felt my face began to get warm, and darted my eyes at counter of the stand. The woman laughed and nudged my shoulder from across the counter.

"Lighten up y/n! You aren't in trouble, here." She took out some money from the pouch I gave her, and handed me the pouch. It was significantly lighter, but it wasn't empty. A smile began to creep across my face.

She laughed and stacked to loaves together and tired them in a big white cloth for carrying. "Here you go kid." She said, pushing the white mound towards me. I smiled even more, and I bet if there wasn't a counter between us I'd hug her.

"Thank you... Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. She just laughed and I took the loaves. I quickly made my way home, the pouch occasionally jingeling as I walked, I didn't really mind though, and I was soon at the door to the building.

I opened the door, my dad hadn't been home yet. Probably still at work. I unwrapped to bread and took out one, it was still warm. I broke off a piece, set it on the table, and rewrapped the loaves.

The sweet bread warmed my mouth as I chewed it, as my stomach called for it. It tasted so good. I realized I had closed my eyes to savor the sweet bread, and when I opened them the same sweetness from the bread retreated as I realized the state of the building.

It was cold, and dark. There was dust flying around everywhere, and it just looked miserable. The makeshift bed me and my dad had made on the floor was full of dull colors, Camilo's jacket standing out like a sore thumb as it laid on the pile of fabrics. I placed the bread on the table, and walked over to it.

I picked up the bright orange jacket, separating it from the pale colors on the floor. I whipped any dust it may have collected. This didn't belong here. And it was obvious. It was bright and colorful, and belonged to a kid who made children smile; while the fabrics and clothes on the ground were dull, and sad, belonging to a father and son with out a home.

I gritted my teeth and gripped onto the jacket tightly. Its soft fabric in my hands contrasted the rugged and scratchy sleeves of my shirt. I let out a sniffle as I realized my eyes began to water. I let out a shaky breath as warm tears began to roll down my cheeks, quickly leaving them cold.

I stood there, in the cold miserable room, being cold and miserable. Wow, a match made in heaven.

I quickly jolted as I heard a knock at the door, I quickly whipped the tears off my face and cleared my throat, hoping that my face wasn't noticeably red, and walked over to the door.

I hesitated before opening it, but I slowly turned the handle peeking out. It was Mirabel. I opened the door completely, An opened tooth smile began to crept across the girls face. "Hey y/n! I was just wondering-" Her eyes wondered down the my arms, I was still holding Camilo's jacket.

"Dang it!" The girl hissed, stomping her foot lightly, I looked at her, confused. She gave out a frustrated sigh, and then morphed into Camilo.

"Mann, I was going to tease you about the jacket! And I was going to like! Pick on you if you lost it! Dude I had this whole scene played out!" He motioned his arms dramatically, eventually leaving them on his hips with a frustrated look on his face.

I laughed nervously at the boys frustration, and handed him his coat, the soft fabric leaving my hands.

He picked it up and then looked at me, "Wait... Why were you holding my jacket?" He asked, a curious look now taking over his frustrated light brown eyes. Of course, I immediately got embarrassed. Yeah man, I was just crying with your jacket don't worry about it, made sure not to get it wet!

"um... I was just, cleaning up! There's not a lot if room to put stuff, so I was just... Holding it." I said, laughing nervously as I scratched the back of my neck, moving out of the way so he could see the small space me and my dad were staying in.

His eyes widened as he looked at the space, he walked inside, looking around the dusty room. Thanks for coming over! Yeah just walk in, yeah its fine. I followed him, the only light coming from the open door and window in the front, the back window being covered by shade.

The place was small, A table being in the middle, with a couch being against the right wall, with blankets and pillows scattered on the ground, there was a latter with a loft, but we weren't allowed up there because it was the owners things.

His jaw dropped as he looked at the room around him. "Wow... Uh... I think you may need to open a window." He joked, but as I looked at him he was the only bright thing in the room. The only thing with color, I realized I was staring again and nervously laughed, darting my eyes to the ground.

"Yeah... I know, its kinda pretty sad, but we don't have a lot of money, and its not that bad with just the two of us..." I said looking down at the ground awkwardly shifting my feet, the sound of my boots lightly scrapping the hard cold ground made the hair on the back on my neck stand up.

He looked around again, I didn't see why, it was that much to take in. He then looked at me, I lifted my head and our eyes met, "Wanna spend the night at my house?"

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