So uh. Bread?

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"Don't worry, you actually came just in time. Noon is when I start to do my bread route. " She gave me a kind smile, my eyes widened as a smile spread across my face.



"Oh thank you! Thank you! " I said, ecstatic. "Thank you miss?" I asked, she just gave me another small laugh.

"Carmen, and I should be thanking you!" She pulled out a list that had names, addresses, and the amount the person owed written on in neat hand writing and handing it to me.

"If you don't know where someone's house is, just ask someone at a stall, I'm sure they'd be happy to point you in the right direction." She said, she came out behind the stand and began moving loaves of bread and trays of pastries into a wooden cart. I began to help her as a continued to thank her, and each time I did, she simply laughed. She sent me on my way to the first house. The Guzmáns.

I was practically smiling from ear to ear as I pulled the creaky wooden cart of baked goods. Maybe she'll give me some to take home! The thought of maybe being able to come home to a sweet treat made my mouth water.

I practically skipped all the way to the Guzmáns house. I knocked on the door and an old lady answered. All happiness flooded out as I realized I had to talk, and take money from complete strangers.

"Um. Bread." I said, awkwardly notioning to the cart of bread. Yeah bread! You bread? Yeah, bread! Shut up. She glanced behind me and gave out a small laugh. I managed to give her order and took the money she gave me, and put it in a pouch that Señora Carmen had given me.

I looked at the lost and my eyes had wondered to the bottom of the list. Madrigal. Shoot! I left Camilo's jacket! I just hoped that when I made it to their house Mirabel would answer.

I had gone down the list of houses and it'd been about an hour of going around town. My legs hurt, but it was nice to finally meet the people of Encanto. Now, finally I made it to the last name, Madrigal.

I made it there considerable quick, seeing as there were only about three loaves left in the cart. The big teal door was honestly intimidating. With a family this big, I'd be lucky if I knew the name of the person who opened the door.

I knocked on the big gate door, and waited for somebody to answer.


Was anybody even home?

I heard shuffling and and chatter from behind the door, and finally it opened. Pepa stood in the door way as she sharply whispered to someone behind her. She finally looked at me and smiled widely.

"y/n! I'm so glad you visited!" She said, throwing her arms around me, she was so tall I had to get on my tippy toes. I awkwardly hugged her back, "Afternoon... Tia Pepa. " I said. She let me go.

I heard whispering behind her but she quickly shot down whoever was talking with a mom stare. "So! Y/n! What brings you to Casita?" She said casita like it was a name.

"Oh! I'm doing a job for Señora Carmen!" I said, pointing to the remaining loaves of bread in the cart. She smiled again.

"Wonderful! Camilo!" She hissed her sons name through gritted teeth, "Why don't you make yourself useful and help y/n here with the bread while mami gets the money?" She immediately went back to a smile as I heard a huff and some words behind the door before Pepa moved out of the way, Camilo quickly moving past her and standing in front of me.

He looked down at the cart, and then up at me. "So. Bread?" He asked simply with a straight face, though I could tell he was trying to be funny. I hated it but even that made me a little flustered.

I nervously laughed, "Yeah! Um, needed something to eat so uh... I decided to help Señora Carmen." I said, picking up a loaf as Camilo grabbed the other two.

He shot me a worried looked, "do you not have food at your house?" He asked, I tried to avoid the question by laughing nervously and asking where to out the bread.

"Oh, in here." He said, tilting his head in the directions of the kitchen pantry. We set the loaves on the table, and I sat beside them as the boy carefully set them in the pantry, trying not to squish them.

I began to some out and look at his face, it seemed like he always had a resting smirk on his face. His eyes were half closed as he moved the bread around, his eyes were a dark, deep brown that complemented his dark curls. He then shot me a side glance, immediately I broke away from looking at him, and stared at the ground.

"Its rude to stare, but I understand if your lost in my gorgeous, beautiful eyes." He said, he smiled playfully and exaggerated his expressions as he said gorgeous and beautiful. I immediately got flustered by the confrontation. He laughed and leaned his elbow against the wall, running his fingers through his curls.

"Aw , come one y/n, don't give up that easily." He said, I kept on shooting him glances, but it only made me return to looking at the ground as Camilo teased me.

"Can you believe this, Casita?" He asked, I heard a cabinet creak. But I didn't bother to look up, worried I would just get more flustered. I then felt a bump that pushed me off the table, I tried to catch my balance but I ended up just running into Camilo, and a pair of hands were on my arms, catching me.

I opened my eyes, my head was against his chest and I looked up, Camilo staring down at me with a satisfied grin on his face. I shot my eyes down as my face began to get warm.

"You really need to look where you're going, Mr hot stuff, this is the second time I've had to catch you before you hurt yourself. " he said, playfulness pricked his voice.

"I'm- I'm sorry! I don't know what happened! I just was sitting down and I was pushed-!" I frantically tried to explain, trying to make it clear that I didn't do this.

"Ay, ay, calm down," He began to rub the back of my head like I was a puppy scared from a storm, only making me more flustered. "It was just Casita, it just wanted to mess with you." He explained, his voice was calming, but I could tell he was being condescending.

I was going to say something but he cut me off, "shh, shh, its ok. The scary table won't get you now." He said, still petting my head. The cabinets began to creak loudly, it almost sounded like laughing.

I began to hear my name being called but Camilo still petted my head and had his hand on my arm. "Y/n! Y/n, where are you? I have the-! oh there you-!" It was Pepa, I could hear her foot steps stop right behind me.

"Camilo! What are you doing to y/n??" Pepa asked, loudly and sternly, but not quite yelling

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