So you dont have any plans?

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"Camilo!" I heard a familiar voice grunt, and standing in the doorway of the kitchen was a very ticked off Mirabel. My eyes then darted to the Mirabel standing beside me, she let out a goofy laughed and then in a blur was the boy from the market place, Camilo.

He laughed at Mirabel, covering his mouth with his hand "Darn it! Was trying to see how long I could get away with that." he said playfully, he looked at me with a mischievous smile on his face. I tensed as he looked at me, embarrassed and flustered.

"Camilo! You can't just do that to my guest!" Mirabel exclaimed, stomped over and swatting the lanky boy away from my side. She looked frustrated but even through her round glasses I could tell there was a hint of playfulness.

I lightly chuckled at the situation, and Camilo shot me another smirk. "See! He's fine! Honestly I'm not sure why you worry about me doing that. " He said sarcastically, running his hand through his hair.

Mirabel let out a lighthearted grunt at the curly haired boy, then turned to me with a tinge of worry in her eyes. "Are you ok y/n? Sorry, I left to go to the restroom, I didnt expect someone be back to the casita so soon." she said, shooting Camilo another glance.

I tried to lighten the tension with a light laugh, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just kinda caught me... off guard..." I admitted, I looked inbetween Mirabel and Camilo, Mirabel still looked worried but there was a hint of satisfaction in Camilo's eyes. I awkwardly rubbed to back of my neck, the situation made me incredibly flustered.

Mirabel sighed, "Well, c'mon y/n, let's go before SOMEONE tries something else." She said, shooting Camilo another frustrated look, he just threw up his hands saying, hey don't look at me, but even that couldn't cover the guilty smile plastered on his face.

Mirabel looped her arm through mine roughly and led me through her house, back to the door and we returned into the market place, "Ugh... I'm sorry about him, I don't know why he does that. " I chuckled, trying to lighten the situation and patted her arm, "Mirabel, it's ok, I'm just... not really used to this stuff yet."

She gave out a nervous chuckle, "Don't worry, if you plan on going out more, seeing as your leg is better, you going to get used to us verrry quick." She said. suddenly, her back snapped straight and her eyes widened, like she had forgotten something.

"Oh jeez! I'm so sorry! I got so caught up that I didn't even take into consideration what you were doing!" She exclaimed, now frustrated with herself, she cursed something under her breath that I couldn't hear. Some how it felt like my fault, so I attempted to make her feel better.

" No, no, no! Mirabel it's ok! I was just going out to look around, I didn't even have any plans! Honestly if you hadn't pulled me away I probably would have had an introduction to Camilo without you there... " She looked at me, a worried look in her eyes, like she was searching over my expression to see if I was lying, "... I promise." I said, her worried expression began to melt away as the corner of her lips turned upward.

Then her eyes widened again... oh jeez, is this going to keep on happening? I've only known this girl for about half an hour, but she's been acting like we've been best friends since birth.

"Wait so... you don't have any plans?" She asked, a sly expression now creeping on her face, honestly it kind of worried me.

"Um... no... why?" I asked, beginning to get a little concerned, causing my eyes to widen a little. She then began to smile, a new idea popping into her head. Oh god. What did in just get myself into.

"You should come over to my house for dinner!" She exclaimed, her expression bright as she was practically bouncing with new found energy. Still holding onto my arm, it dragged the right side of my body to go up and down with the girls excited bouncing.

She then let go over my arm, leaving me lopsided and honestly a bit dizzy. She cleared her throat and then calmly pushed up her glasses, "if you want to, of course." she said politely, folding her hands calmly.

I regained my balance and placed my hand on my head trying to relax it. I thought about her request for a second, "I mean, I'm thankful for then invitation... but... don't you need to ask your family first?" I asked, a bit confused why she would even invite me over, I mean, we had just met today. Though judging by how polite the town was, I began to assume that this might've been a bit of a regular thing.

Realization hit the girls round brown eyes. "oh. " She said simply, I could tell she was trying to think but it looked like there wasn't a single thought behind those eyes, I smiled at her, trying to reassure her to take her time. Then out of nowhere she jumped up.

"Ok! Ok! new plan!" She said, it seemed like she was about to burst with energy, does this girl ever get tired?

" Ok ok, so I'm going to rush back home, and ask my abeula if you can come over for dinner! oh and you need to ask your parents right? go ask! go! go! go! " She said, talking a mile a minute, playfully pushing me towards the center of the market, before I got even say 'bye' or even confirm the plans, she bolted off to her house, her skirt whipping wildly behind her as she bolted off.

For someone around my age, that girl has the energy of a seven year old who just got into their parents coffee. I laughed at the thought, and smiled as Mirabel disappeared around the corner, bolting to her house.

Though I barely knew her, or her family. It felt kind of nice, I mean, back home I'd been invited to dinner before, but not by anybody my age. mostly just friends of parents inviting over my family. But this time I was the the one who was being invited, by someone my age. Maybe we could be friends?

I walked home. Home? What was I saying, me and my dad were practically staying in a remodeled barn. But I guess my old 'home' isn't much of a home either. I made it back considerably faster then what it took me to make it into town, thanks to Juiletas treat.

I opened up the creaky door, peering inside the dimly lit building. There was a small candle lit on the table that sat in the center, and next to it sat a glass bottle. I walked over to it, and picked it up. It smelled of alcohol, and it was empty. I sighed and threw the bottle away. We didn't have much furniture, but the owner of the building was kind enough to lend us a rickety old couch that stunk of donkey.

My dad was passed out on the old couch, he was snoring loudly, and his breath smelled like the bottle. I sighed, and threw a light blanket over him. I quickly scribbled a note and left it on the table saying that I would be back around 10, blew out the candle, and left.

sorry that there really hasn't been much of Camilo yet!! still trying to figure out how I want this to play out, and I have a couple of ideas inspired by other fanfics I've read, but I hope you enjoy this chapter!! <3

LOVER BOY || Camilo x Reader!mascحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن