
"Where do you wanna go first?" Mary asked.

"I don't know, I hate the mall," I replied. I really did. Its crowded, the kiosk workers are annoying, and everything is overly expensive.

"Victorias Secret it is," Mary said, leading the way.

"Here, buy this. I bet Micheal will wanna see you in it," Mary said, throwing a dark red thong at me. We shared a good laugh before continuing our shopping trip.

After 2 hours of visiting multiple stores, I was ready to fall asleep. My legs were killing me but Mary was perfectly fine. "Where are we going now?" I asked.

"The cookie place," she responded.

As Mary ordered us some sweets, I sat there looking around. Right across from us was a jewelry store and. .Chris was there?

"Hey, isn't that Chris?" I asked Mary when she came back to me.

"Yeah, it is," she said.

"I wonder why he's there?"

"Me too. He and Karrueche don't talk anymore so its not for her."

"What happened with them?"

Mary shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno. He just cut her off. I remember she was bitching to Christina about it in class."

Chris isn't my man so its not my business but I hope whatever he's getting is for his mom and not a girl.


When I went home, I saw my Aunt was here. I greeted her before going to the closet in the bedroom to unpack. I had gotten a pair of flats, a matching set of a bra and a pair of panties and a perfume bottle. I did actually get the thong. Not much to make myself cute for Micheal with but its whatever. Before I could finish putting my stuff away, I heard my name being called.

"Yes?" I said to my Grandma.

"We're visiting the neighbors so go freshen up," she said.

"Why?" I questioned. I want to shower, eat, and sleep. I don't want to spend my time at someone elses house.

"Khadijah, do what she says," My aunt said.

"I don't wanna go! Who visits the neighbors at 8 o'clock at night?" I protested but it was no use. 20 minutes later we were walking up the street-sadly, towards Chris's house.


As soon as we got into the house Mama J, my Aunt, and my Grandma began chattering about who knows what. I was too busy resisting the urge to run away to listen to them. This was the awkwardest situation I've ever been in.

I was at my sexy ex-boyfriends house after our terrible break-up. He was sitting by me burning holes into my face.

"Khadijah, can you come upstairs with me?" Chris asked. Its the first thing he said to me all night.

"Um, no. I'm fine right here," I replied back.

"Khadijah!" My Aunt scolded. I rolled my eyes and stood up. Why was she letting me be alone with a boy?

"Fine, lets go," I said.

As soon as we got upstairs and out of the view of our families, Chris engulfed me in a big hug. He even picked me up and spun me around. I wiggled free and gave Chris a stank look.

"What was that?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I miss you! You been ignoring my texts, you won't even look at me," Chris answered. He had sent me hundreds of messages saying sorry but I ignored them all. Chris seemed really happy that I finally acknowledge him. He had the biggest, cutest smile on his face.

"Yeah, well you deserve to be ignored," I said. I saw Chris's smile drop.

"I have something for you," he announced. I followed him into his room.

Chris handed me a small box. When I saw that it was a fancy-looking necklace, I closed the box and gave it back to him. So, he was at the store for me?

"You don't like it?" he asked.

"I don't want it."


"You cheated on me and you wanna make it up to me with metal?" I was annoyed that Chris thought I was that materialistic.

I was also annoyed by how close Chris was getting to me. He kept walking closer as I was talking and now he stood right infront of me. He was close that we were actually touching body-to-body.

"What can I do to make you forgive me?" He spoke, looking directly in my eyes. His arms looped around my waist.

"Nothing," I said firmly. I shoved Chris away from me to prove my point.

"You don't miss me at all?"

Chris's hands found my waist again. He placed soft kisses on my neck that made my knees go weak. But I was still determined to stay strong. I pushed Chris back, again.

"Chris, stop. I'm serious," I said.

"So you really wanna cut me off?"

I said silent because I was thinking in my head. I really shouldn't talk to Chris because one, he did me wrong. And two, I have a boyfriend. Micheal won't like me talking to my ex. But like I said before, there is just something about Chris. I connected more to him than I did to Micheal. Deep down, I know I would be lying to both myself and Chris if I said I didn't want him in my life.

"Chris, lets start all over."

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