6. "Ghost of the past .1"

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Lewis Capaldi - Hold Me While You Wait

Sleepless nights are meant for those who desire more than they now have; the world isn't enough for them. They're for hopeless romantics who can't seem to resist thinking about their love. Butterflies in their stomach, twisting and turning. But in my case, sleepless nights are for the broken hearted. Those who have been robbed of love. Bags beneath their eyes, looping thoughts in their minds. What could they have done? Nothing, they could do nothing.

What am I doing?

I don't recognize myself most of the time. I've never given up without a fight, and now I'm sulking and sleep deprived, thinking about a man I'll never see again. A yawn leaves my mouth as I rub my eyes. I place my hands on the damp grass, pushing myself up. Usually when I couldn't sleep, I'd come out here, in the garden. I suppose I could call it my favorite spot in the entire house. Connecting with nature gave me peace, green grass beneath me, the night sky fading to day. Fresh morning air around me.

"I see why people like to watch the sunrise," someone comments and my hand flies to my chest in shock. Why do people do like doing that to me? It does everything except bring me peace. I'm about to yell when I realize who it is. My eye widen "Clara?"

She smiles at me with one of her warm smiles. Her dark skin shining in the moonlight, and her long black hair beautifully braided to her waist. Her slim body is complemented by a yellow dress. I'd be surprised if she has anything in her closet that isn't yellow or white. "You figured out my name" she says.

"I saw it on a piece of paper the last time we met," I confess. "Does your magic take you wherever you want to go?"

"Sometimes," she chuckles, "but not this time. I stay here, in the human world," she adds, "and I know Kasumi." In the two years I've been here, I've never seen Clara, but she doesn't seem like the person to make herself known.

My brows knit in confusion. "If you stay here, then how did you get into Scarlet Crown on the times you didn't knock me out" I question. She could've used magic to get in, but witch power has its limits back home. "Library gateway" I thought Caelum and Caiden were the only ones who had access "But how?"

"I'm the one who created it," she admits, and my head snaps her way. "Caiden and I are the only ones who have access to the library's gateway. It was created by a witch friend of Caiden's"

"He doesn't like talking about her"

His words echo in my mind. Cade's friend. "Cade's friend. You're her. You know Cade" I speak. Her serene mood wanes as she fidgets with the hem of her dress. "Was," she mumbles, her voice straining. Her response only adds to my confusion, but I don't push because I can tell she's unhappy. But that doesn't stop the question from spinning around in my head. Why aren't they friends anymore? Did she love him? No, it's none of my business; I'm plagued by my own problems, which are piled on top of each other, hitting me one at a time.

"What are you doing here?" I wonder. Her discomfort dissipates, and a smile returns to her lips. She asks, plucking three flowers from the garden, "Have you heard the story of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future?" One white, one blue and one yellow. She tucks the blue and yellow into her palm sized satchel. "Yes, I have. What does it have to do with this?"

Her hand rests on my shoulder, her brown eyes gazing into mine "Farren, you promised you wouldn't give up" she removes her hand from my shoulder, blowing purple dust onto the white flower "We're going to take a trip through time. Your time and Caelum's time" I shudder as she mentions his name. She holds out her hand for me to take "Let's go we only have a few hours until everyone wakes up,"

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