1. "It's adorable how you think you have control"

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Ariana Grande - Safety Net

Once upon a time, a young girl disobeyed her mother and wandered off into the woods, she ventured into the darkest part of the woods and came face to face with the big bad wolf. One of the beasts she had been warned about, but she saw deeper and fell in love with the monster. He was her mate, and she was his Queen.

It's been a month since Caelum told me about the curse, and a lot has changed since then. He and I are getting closer, I'm learning more about him, and I've uncovered a gentle pup beneath all his claws and canines. I understand how challenging this is for him, but the closer we get, the more the prophecy comes to pass. Every day, I see him battling himself, and it breaks my heart. He gave up on pushing me away when he realized the more he'd push, the more I'd pull. Caiden visited once a month and the last I saw River was when he and Kenna were at Scarlet Crown when I had that horrible cut on my neck that made me go crazy, and Raphael, the last we saw him was at the ball.

I gaze up at the stars from my place on the damp grass, a warm breeze whispering, making powder blue petals dance in the air. I've changed, or so Anna says. I wouldn't say I've changed; rather, I've discovered who I'm meant to be, a place where I belong, a place I can call home. I've found a side of myself I never knew existed, a more confident side of myself, someone who doesn't lower her head for anyone, and I like it.

Caelum started training me since he didn't want everyone's eyes on me while I was 'barely wearing anything' and by everyone's eyes, he meant the male gaze. Chris or Gideon would train me if Caelum was busy, he trusted Chris and knew that he only had eyes for Anna. He trusted Gideon because if he didn't Gideon wouldn't be Beta.

A hand on my shoulder makes me turn my head, I see beautiful emerald eyes, eyes that I could see the world through. He takes the spot next to me and lays down, I intertwine my hand with his "Beautiful night" he says. I look at the sky again and whisper "It is"

He turns on his side, and I do the same so I'm facing him "Why are you whispering?"

"I don't know" I whisper. He laughs and places his hand on my cheek, the best part about getting closer to him is hearing him laugh, it's good to see him happy "Why are you smiling like that?"

I shake my head "It's nice to see you happy"

He states, "I'll always be happy with you." We haven't confessed our love to each other, but we know it's there. I help him with pack work and still have to beg him to eat when he gets too busy "Farren"


"What do you think of the human world?" he asks. The human world? I've read about it in some of the books in the castle's library. I saw pictures, there were so many beautiful places, they weren't magical, but their beauty had a magical touch "Um, I've obviously never been, but I've heard a lot about it. Have you been?"

"Yes, I have," he tells me, and my attention now fully focused on him "And? What was it like"

"It was okay"

I furrow my eyebrows "Just 'okay'?" I ask. He nods "Humans are very...peculiar"

"Why do you say so?"

"Humans are disturbing," he declares, disgusted. I slap his arm "Hey, I'm human". He chuckles "I know, but you're not human world human"

I roll my eyes "Isn't there anything good about the human world"

"Great food. Beautiful culture"

"I've read about a place called Italy, I'd love to go there sometime"

He stands from the grass and offers his hand for me to take "So there you have it. Let's go to Italy" my eyes widen as he says it "Now?"

He grins "We won't be able to go right now, but we will be able to go tonight. There's a really great restaurant there that I know of. The library has a portal to the human world"

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