jayden appreciation cause it's his birthday

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happy birthday hoe <3 i love him and if you don't, what is wrong with you

"Seriously, man, I remember that day as though it was yesterday!" Daniel wheezes

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"Seriously, man, I remember that day as though it was yesterday!" Daniel wheezes. "You walked up to that guy and straight up said-"

"No, god I don't wanna hear it!" I'm laughing, too, as I gently hit his arm. "Don't you dare!"

"'Where can I find the Fernando Pizzeria?'"



"I hate you!"

We both can hardly breathe, our airways blocked by the laughter bubbling out of us. Daniel's blond hair falls into his face as he bends forward, holding his stomach.

"And you just- Oh god, Jayden, you're the best, man."

"Always have been. I'm the born comedian. It was all planned that day."

"You were nine!"

"I was already super funny back then, don't you remember?"


"Go fuck yourself." I grin and turn my head towards the table in front of the couch as I hear my phone's ringtone. I decide to check the message and the smile drops.

"What's wrong?" My friend asks, looking at me with a furrowed brow.

"I... Wait a minute, Dan, I have to make a call."

"Yeah. Sure."

I give him a short smile and get up to leave the room, the contact already opened. As soon as the door behind me shuts, I press Call.

"Hey." Cheeto's voice doesn't even sound like ze cried.

"Do you need a place to stay?"


"Come live with me."

There's a short pause, followed by: "I- You would do that?"

"Obviously! You're my sibling, and I love you, and I know what they're like."

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"It's no problem. Hey. Listen. It'll be okay. You'll be here, and they don't know where I live- where we live, they can't find you."

Silence. I hear noises in the background, mostly those of clothes being packed together and Cheeto's breathing, but sometimes they're mixed with a too familiar voice in the background yelling something I don't want to understand, probably through a closed door.

"Yeah." Cheeto then says. "I'll hang up then, okay?"

"Oka- Wait. One more question."


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