Seven - After The Storm

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After school let out, I texted Nicki and told her to lead practice, because I wasn't feeling well.  Once she texted me back an okay, I headed straight home.  Jabari had completely ruined my day, and I just wanted to go home and bury myself in the bed until the next day.  Pulling into my driveway, I noticed a guy sitting on my front porch dressed in black sweatpants and a white long sleeved shirt.  Once he lifted his face from being buried in his hands, I saw that it was Jabari.  He rested his elbows on his knees as he watched me.  The sullen look on his face made my stomach cringe a bit.  He looked like a sad ass puppy.  I had no idea why he was there, so I was reluctant to get out of my car at first.  I sighed heavily before getting out of my car and walking up the pebblestone walkway leading to our front porch.
"What are you doing here Jabari?"  I asked, stepping up on the porch, standing next to him.
"We need to talk."  He simply said, as he slowly rose from the porch.  "Baby, I want to apologize for what I did to you earlier.  I just got so mad when I saw that nigga touching all over you, and you didn't seem to mind it.  It was like you were enjoying the shit."
"I didn't enjoy any of it."  I lied.  "I told him to let me go, but he wouldn't.  I told him I had a boyfriend, but he didn't seem to care about that." Luckily, Jabari couldn't tell my lies from my truths, so it was easy to let the words fall out of my mouth.
"If I wouldn't have been standing there, and didn't see y'all at all, would you have even told me about it?"
"Of course!  Why wouldn't I tell you?"  I lied again.  I wouldn't have told Jabari a damn thing.  Either way it would've and could've gone, I would've been the one to blame and I would've had repercussions from Jabari.
Jabari shook his head, taking a deep breath.  "I be trippin' baby.  I know your loyalty is with me.  It's just – I can't help it.  When I see dudes trying to holler at you, and jeffing and smiling up in your face, and even so much as looking at you the way that I do – I just lose it.  The thought of you with somebody else haunts me all the time, and it drives me crazy Ciara.  I know I fuck up and I don't always do you right, but I don't want to lose you.  I can't lose you, Ciara.  You're all I got, and – "
Jabari paused.  He grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him.  Our faces were a few inches away from each other's. I could smell the faint scent of Funyuns on his breath.  If Jabari could've lived off of potato chips and Vess soda he would've.  That's all he ever ate and drank.
"And what?"  I asked.
"I don't think I could function without you in my life."
I peeled my eyes away from him, shaking my head in disappointment.  "Jabari, we've been together almost 4 years and I've never given you reason to think that I would cheat on you.  Just because these guys out here try to talk to me and flirt with me, or whatever, doesn't mean I'm checking for them."  I threw my purse to the ground in frustration.  His jealousy and insecurity irritated my soul to the fullest.  "Through all of the bullshit that you put me through, I never once stepped out on you.  I should've and I could've, but I haven't.  I love you too much to do that to you.  You should know me better than that."
He dropped his head in his hands.  "I know.  Fuck.  I know."  He began to whimper.  I grimaced, measuring him.
"Are – are you crying?"  Jabari dropped his hands from his face, revealing his tearful eyes.  I was taken aback.  In the time I had known Jabari, I had never seen him so much as drop one tear.
"I'm so sorry baby.  I love you."  Jabari choked up, pulling me close to him.  He put his arms around my shoulders and hugged me tightly.  I could feel his heart beating against my face as my head lay against his chest.  Seeing Jabari cry for the first time made my repugnance turn to empathy for him.  I locked my arms around his hard torso, holding him as tight as he held me.  My heart felt warm as we held our embrace.  Maybe Jabari really did love me – he just had a hell of way of showing it.
He broke away from me and cupped my face in his hands, pulling me in for a kiss.  Our lips were in sync with one another's.  I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him more into me.  Jabari pulled out of our kiss, gazing into my eyes.
"I love you CeCe.  I promise, from now on I'll do right by you.  I never mean to hurt you."  Jabari expressed before kissing me again.  The sincerity glinting in his eyes made me want to believe his words, but I knew Jabari.  He was a wonderful actor as well.  I took his words and ran with them, but I knew it wouldn't be long before Jabari would show his ass again.  I unlocked and opened the cherry wood door to my house, extending my hand out for Jabari to grab.
"Come on."  I said softly.  Jabari took my hand and followed me inside.

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