Twenty - C.M. Heartbreak

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The block that Mario lived on was packed with cars.  Any luxury car you could think of lined both sides of the street, only leaving room for one car to go up and down the street at a time.  Nicki managed to find a parking spot right in front of the walkway of the house. 
"Alright now."  Lala crowed.  "Time to go shake some ass."  We slid out of the car, checking ourselves in the windows of Nicki's car before heading towards the house.  As we walked up the walkway towards the house, Nicki spotted Lacey and Tiffany standing in the yard eyeing them as we slowed our stride.
"What the fuck are you looking at?"  Nicki hissed with rage flashing through her eyes.  Tiffany glared at me, but didn't say a word.  Lacey swiped her eyes to the rest of us, frowning before she turned towards Tiffany. 
"Come on Nic."  I said, tugging on her arm.  She stood rigid for a moment, before following after me.  We passed groups of people hanging around on the perfectly cut lawn and talking along the way.  Some of them were smoking what smelled like weed, and mostly all of them were holding a red or yellow plastic cup that I assumed contained some type of alcohol.  All eyes were on us as we made our way up the stairs of the porch and through the open double doors.  We walked through the door, and I was instantly overwhelmed by the wave of heat and humidity that smacked me in the face.
"This party is turnt!"  Lala shouted over the thumping bass.  All of the furniture had been pushed to the sides of the room, and there were so many people packed in there was on standing room.  The deejay booth outfitted with strobe lights and a fog machine was set up in the far corner of the room with a bunch of scantily dressed chicks flocked around it.  The loud pitch of excited voices and drunken squeals of laughter mixed with heavy bass hip hop music had my head throbbing like hell.  But as the pain struck through my head, I unknowingly inhaled some of the fog that blew out from the fog machine, damn near coughing up a lung.  But I was determined to have a good time anyway.  Low key, I was hoping Fire would be there.  I tried to convince myself that Fire was bad news.  That he just wanted to fuck me and be done with me.  Ever since we kissed at Nicki's house, I couldn't shake him from my mind.  My pussy pulsated just thinking about him, making me want him with every memory. 
We pushed our way through the crowd of people before being stopped by a big, cocky body. 
"What's up my babies?"  Mario crowed, taking of sip from his gold challis.  He wrapped his arms around us, pulling me and Nicki into his left side and Lala and Mel into his right.
"What took y'all so long to get here?  Y'all know the party ain't shit without my pretty girls."
"It takes time to get fly like this."  Lala said, smoothing her hands over her binding outfit.
"I'm sure it does."  Mario took another sip of his drink, his eyes glued to Lala's titties spilling out of the top of her halter top.  He bit his bottom lip, grunting as he looked her up and down. 
"Where the liquid at?"  Mel asked, bringing Mario out of his titty reverie.
"Everything is in the kitchen.  Help yourselves.  I'm about to go over here and get on this freak that's been eyeing me all night."  We turned to see Porcha Jackson, dressed in a hot pink bodice dress that was so tight, she could barely maneuver in it.  Her auburn and blonde spiral curls rounded her face and flowed down her back, swaying over her shoulders as she snaked her body to the sounds of Ciara's "Body Party".  Porcha Jackson was a senior at Washington High School, and she had a pretty good/bad reputation.  The good part of her rep was that she was a straight A student and up for valedictorian at her school.  She was such a sweetheart, and would give you the shirt off of her back if you needed it.  The bad part of her rep was that she was out there.  Way out there.  She once slept with five players from their football one after the other in the same night, and admitted to it.  There was no shame in Porcha's game.  As Mario literally pushed through the sea of people to get to her, we made our way to the kitchen.  I searched the crowd, hoping to spot any sign of Fire.  Part of me felt wrong about being infatuated with him, but I couldn't help it.  He was so damn intoxicating. 
Before I could step foot into the kitchen, a strong arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a steel body.  I whirled around to see Jabari, towering over me with a drunken grin on his face.  He reeked of alcohol, and his eyes were glazed and low.
"Where you been girl?"  He slurred, groping my ass as he pulled me into him.  "I've been looking for you all damn night."
"It took us forever to get dress.  Well them anyway.  But I'm here now."  I locked my hands around Jabari's neck, pulling him closer.  "You miss me?"
"You know I did."  He nuzzled his lips into my neck, sucking on it as it made my body shiver.  He trailed his tongue from my neck to my lips and proceeded to kiss me.  Hard and sloppy.  The traces of alcohol invading his mouth were so potent I could've gotten drunk off of his kisses alone.  Jabari slid his hand from my ass and up my back, grabbing the back of my neck while grabbing my ass with his free hand.  His grip on my neck grew tighter with every stroke of his kisses, turning this aroused moment into an uncomfortable one.
"That's enough Jabari."  I spat, pushing away from him.  He paused for a moment, giving me a 'what the hell' look before pulling me into him again.
"Girl, cut the bullshit and come here."  I pushed away from him harder this time.
"You need to stop.  I don't like fooling with you while you're drunk, you know that."
Jabari glared at me, flaring his nostrils as anger flashed over his face.  He sucked his teeth before he said, "Man, fuck you.  I'm tired of this shit."  Shaking his head, Jabari disappeared into the dancing crowd.  I usually would chase after him, trying to explain myself.  But I was beginning to feel like him, and I was so over our relationship quarrels.   I'm tired of the shit too.
Still determined to have a good time, I brushed off Jabari's tantrum and proceeded into the kitchen in search for a cool, smooth drink.  I grabbed a cup from the stack next to the punch bowl filled with purple liquid.  I grabbed the clear, plastic ladle, filling my cup to the rim with the purple liquid.  Taking a sip, I shook my head in satisfaction before downing the entire cup in a few swallows.  Peeping the atmosphere, I spotted Che and Nicki out on the patio exchanging words.  Knowing what Nicki had gone through with him earlier that day, I knew she was on the verge of committing a homicide on him.  I swiftly moved through the small crowd that gathered by the patio door.  I slid the door to the side stepping out onto the wooden deck before sliding it close behind me.  Nicki's eyes were dark with anger and hurt as she glowered at Che.
"Hey."  I said, gently squeezing her shoulder.  "Is everything alright?"  I glanced at Che whose face was filled with agony as he stared back at Nicki.  On the brink of crying, Nicki blinked away the tears that welled up in her eyes before storming back into the house.
"Ciara, please talk to your girl."
I exhaled, trying to find comforting words for Che.  "You really hurt her Che.  I mean, you're just gonna have to give her some time to get over it all.  She's going through a lot right now, and you doing what you did – or what you planned on doing didn't make shit any better.  First the shit with her mom, then she finds Lacey at your house?  She's messed up right now, and it's gonna take a while for her to get back right."
Che's eyes darkened with concern.  "What happened with her mom?"
Fuck.  "N – Nothing.  I shouldn't have even said anything." 
"Don't do that Ciara.  Tell me."
"I can't tell you anything.  You need to ask Nicki.  It's not my business to tell."
"Well as you can see she's not talking to me right now, so you tell me."
I knew Che wasn't going to leave me alone until I told him, so I said forget it.
"Nicki and her mom had a big fight this morning.  As usual, Alexis, had some new guy over, and he made a pass at Nicki.  Instead of Alexis taking up for Nicki, and throwing the nigga out of the house, she took his side.  Nicki told Alexis about herself, and of course she didn't like it.  So she slapped Nicki and told her to get out of her house."
Che was furious by now.  The concern glinting in his eyes transitioned to rage.
"That's why she came to your house.  She needed you Che, and you weren't there for her."
My comment hit Che smack dab in the middle of his heart.  He looked down, ashamed to look me in my face anymore.  I could see the hurt and guilt all over him.
"I feel so fucking bad man.  That was some stupid shit I pulled today.  Then to hear about that shit with her mom?  That hurts my heart.  I've always been there for Nicki, and the one time she really needed me I was busy trying to fuck somebody else.  She definitely won't take me back after all of this."
"Yes she will.  Just give her time to think things through."
Che let out a heavy sigh.  "You think so?"
"I'm sure of it.  Nicki loves the shit out of you.  She's just hurting right now.  Just give her some time."
"Yeah, you right. Thanks Ce."  Che leaned into me, giving me a bear hug before going back to the party.  I piggy backed behind him.
It's funny how I could always help my friends with their relationship problems, yet my relationship had fallen into the pits of hell. 
As I filled my cup again with the purple liquid in a bowl, Lala and Mel came stumbling into the kitchen, squealing in laughter.
"What's up Ce?  We were just looking for you."  Lala crowed, leaning over onto the countertop to keep her balance.
"I was over there talking to Jabari.  More like arguing."
Lala huffed.   "Not you too.  We are not having none of that shit tonight.  We already got Nicki out there on the patio with Che in her damn feelings.  And you stay in yours enough."
"I'm good. I'm not in my feelings at all."
"Good.  Now let's get out here on this dance floor and twerk until we can't twerk no damn more."  Lala yanked my arm so hard, it popped.
"Hold up." Mel stopped us.  She grabbed four lime Jell-O shots from the silver tray on the countertop, handing me and Lala one each.  We gulped down the shots before heading out to the dance floor.  The deejay put on Mykko Montana's "Do It," and everybody went crazy.  Lauren and Taylor bent over, shaking and rolling so hard their backs look like they were going to break.  Harlem came up behind Lauren, and started grinding on her, and Mario followed suit with Taylor as I grooved to the music by myself.  While bouncing to the beat, I felt a hard, warm body against me followed by a set of hands resting on my hips.  I whirled around to see Fire standing behind me with his infamous smirk playing on his lips. 
"You shouldn't be shaking that for nobody but me."
"Tuh!"   I said, continuing to dance.  Right on cue, the deejay put on a slow jam, and almost every girl's booty in the room went from popping and shaking in the air to resting in the palms of some lucky dude's hands.
"Come dance with me."  Fire said softly in my ear, sending chills down my back.
"I don't think so."
"Why not?  You can't dance?"  Fire questioned, smiling.  Was he trying to call me out?
"I can dance just fine."  I replied, scanning the crowd for any signs of Jabari.  "I just don't feel like any drama tonight, ya know?  Where's your little girlfriend, Dacha at?  How about you go dance with her." 
"She's not my girlfriend.  Just somebody I kick it with from time to time.  And how about for once you stop worrying about Jabari catching you with me, and just enjoy me."
"I just don't want him to trip with me or you."
Fire chuckled, cocking an eyebrow.  "I for one am not worried about that nigga tripping with me.  He knows better than to do that.  And don't worry about him coming for you either.  I got you."
I didn't know Fire well enough to fully go on his word, but everything in me told me it was alright to do so.  His eyes darkened as he pulled me close to him, perching his hands on the nape of my ass.  Surprisingly, everybody was so liquored up and freaking on each other, they were completely oblivious to what was transpiring between Fire and me.  My body moved in sync with his and I felt like I was floating.  We gazed into each other's eyes as our bodies touched, moving as one.  This boy made me so weak whenever I got around him.  He didn't have to say or do much to get me that way either.
"So where've you been?"  I asked, swaying my hips to the music.
"Why, you been looking for me or something?"  Damn right I was looking for you.  Now where have you been?
I scoffed.  "Don't flatter yourself.  Wasn't nobody looking for you."
"Mmmhmm."  Fire flashed a crooked smile, cocking his brow.  "Stop acting like you don't miss me.  You probably searched up and down this house for me, and got mad when you saw I wasn't here.  Am I right?"  You got the first part right. 
I sucked my teeth, cutting my eyes at him.  "Anyway."
Fire chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement.  "Nah, I was at work though.  I wasn't gonna come at first, but when I thought of you being here I figured I might as well come and make yet another attempt to get at you."
I shook my head, turning my head to the side as I smiled.  "So where do you work?"  I asked, averting my attention towards him again and attempting to change the subject.
He hesitated for a moment.  "I work for my father."
"Doing what?"
Fire was silent for a moment, his eyes still fixated on me.  "What are you doing after this?"  He asked, changing the direction of the conversation.
"Going home I guess.  There really won't be much else to do by the time the party's over.  Mel, Lala, and Nicki are staying over my house for the week, so we'll find something to do amongst ourselves."
"Don't you wanna ditch them and break outta here with me?  Like now?"  Fire suggested, searching me for an answer.
"No.  I can't."
"There you go telling me no again."  Fire said with disappointment lacing his tone.  "Come on Ciara.  I'm so over this party shit, 'cause for real this ain't really my thing.  I'm way out of my element even being here.  The only reason I came here was because Che begged me to and I wanted to see you.  Now that I've done that, I'm ready to go.  But I don't wanna to leave without you."  He reached for my hand, pulling me close to him.  Butterflies beat my stomach down, making me feel weak.
"Why do we have to keep going through this Fire?"
"We really don't have to.  I don't even know why you waste your breath repeating the same thing over and over again."
"Obviously I do, because you just aren't getting it.  It's like the more I tell you no, the harder you come for me.  Why do you do this to me?"  I pushed away from him, irritated now.
Fire paused for a moment, folding his bottom lips into his mouth.  "Because I don't care."
"What do you mean you don't care?"
"Just what I said.  I don't care." 
I was totally mystified, my lips parting as I narrowed my gaze.  "So if you don't care about my relationship, then that means you don't care about me or my feelings.  Right?"
"That's the problem.  I don't know why, but I care too much about you.  I care about you way more than I should or even want to.  I just don't give a damn about your relationship."
I gaped at Fire, shocked at his statement.  "That's a pretty fucked up thing to say, don't you think?" 
"No.  I mean, let's be real Ciara.  Jabari doesn't even care about you, let alone your why should I?" 
That was a smack in the face.  It was like stupid was stamped on my forehead in big black letters.  Pissed beyond containment, I glared at Fire coldly.  I was fed up with him reading me about Jabari.  And Fire had no filter, which made his comments hurt even more.   It seemed as if he relished in the thought of Jabari cheating on me, hoping he was so he could have a chance with me.  Without saying a word, I stalked away from Fire, disappearing into the now condensed crowd of people slow grinding on each other.  I walked through the party to find Mel, Lala, and Nicki so we could leave.  My party mood left after the shit that asshole said to me.  I felt rhapsodic, and out of body as I moved through the house aimlessly looking for my friends.  In that moment, I needed Jabari.  I needed him to hold me, comfort me, and tell me that he did care.  That I did matter to him.
I was about to go into the kitchen before I suddenly stopped in the archway of it.  Reveling in thoughts of being comforted by Jabari, I suddenly realized that it had been a while since I had seen him.  I pivoted on my heels, looking over through the crowd for any sign of him.  While walking through the crowd for the umpteenth time, I spotted Mario near the bottom of the stairs.  As I walked closer to him, I noticed he had Porsha trapped between him and the stair rail.
"Mario."  I pulled at his rock hard shoulder.
He turned around to me, his eyes were damn near shut.  There was no doubt the alcohol was on the verge of consuming him completely.
"What's up Ciara baby?"  He slurred.  "You havin' fun?"
"Nah, not really.  I think we're about to go."
"NO!"  Mario shouted while dropping his big, heavy hands on my shoulders, his eyes still low.  "You can't go yet, the party's not over.  You still haven't danced with me yet!"
"I know, but I'm getting tired and it's getting late anyway."
Mario let out a long, heavy groan.  "I guess you can go then.  I thought we could at least take a shot together before you leave."  He leaned forward as if he were about to fall on me, but he grabbed the wooden post on the stair rail to catch his balance.
"Uh, Mario – I think you've had enough to drink."  He fanned his hand at me before gulping down the rest of whatever was in his pave gold and diamond challis.
"Anyway, have you seen Jabari?"  I asked, hopeful he could muster up enough energy to think of where he could be.
"Um...He..."  Mario hiccupped.  "He told me he was going to the bathroom. But that was about thirty minutes ago."
"Which bathroom did he go to?"  I asked, anxiously.
"Check the ones upstairs."  Mario pointed up the stairs.  Wasting no time, I leaped up the stairs two steps at a time.  After not finding Jabari in any of the bathrooms upstairs, I went from room to room checking to see if he was in any of them.  He was nowhere to be found.  Frustrated and irritated, I said fuck it and headed towards the stairs.  At this point, I just wanted to go home and crawl in bed until the morning.  I stepped down the first step before a peculiar noise I couldn't identify struck my attention.  I strained to listen for it again through the music, but it was a bit faint.  The noise had grown louder, and that's when I realized it was coming from a room I hadn't noticed before.  Being my nosy self, I slowly moved towards the door, pressing my ear against it so I could hear clearly.  Suddenly struck by intuition, I subtly and slowly turned the doorknob, and surprisingly it wasn't locked.  I pushed the door open just enough to peek inside, but not enough to be noticed.
At first, I was shocked to see a couple going at it on the king sized bed against the far wall of the room.  The girl was pretty and butt naked, straddling the guy and riding him backwards.  Her moans sounded scripted, like she was in a porno movie or something and her eyes were closed as she bit her bottom lip in enjoyment.  The room was dark with only light shining in from the outside balcony doors.  I tried to adjust my eyes to the darkness of the room to get a better look at the girl when suddenly the guy rose up, grabbing her breasts while she continued to bounce up and down on him.  As he rubbed his hand between her breasts and down her pudgy stomach, I noticed the tattoo on the back of his left hand.  A king's crown tattoo.
"No."  I gasped in disbelief.  My head started spinning and throbbing, and time stopped.  They didn't notice me at first.  I pushed the door open even further, stepping all the way into the room.  My heartbeat went from fifty to one hundred as I catalogued the girl's face.  A face that I knew all too well.  Tiffany.
While I continued to watch them with incredulity, Tiffany opened her eyes.  Startled at first, she gasped.  The moonlight shined in through the window of the doors, putting me on the spotlight.  Once she recognized me, Tiffany flashed a cruel smile as she started bouncing harder.
"Oh Jabari!"  She squealed as she leaned forward, still bouncing on him.  All of the air left my lungs once the moonlight hit Jabari's face.  His hand gripped one of her breasts while he gripped her shoulder with the other hand.  I was breathless and speechless, and my feet felt like they were cemented to the ground.
"You muthafucka."  I choked out, trying to keep my tears at bay.  I flicked on the lights, illuminating the room.  There were pictures of Dej Loaf, Taraji P. Henson, and Nicki Minaj on the walls, and sports trophies piled on a shelf in the corner of the room which let me know that is was Mario's room we were in.  
"What the fuck?!" Jabari's eyes widened, both of his hands gripping Tiffany's breasts now.  "Ciara, what the fuck are you doing in here?!"
I raised my eyebrows, still in shock.  "What am I doing in here?  Are you really asking me that shit right now Jabari?!  I catch you up here fucking this bitch, and you ask me what I'm doing in here?"
His cold, glazed eyes met mine, his nostrils flared.  I waited for him to try to explain, or get up and try to console me and apologize.  But he didn't.  He stayed in the bed with Tiffany still straddling him.  A cruel smile still played on her face, as she propped her head up on her fist, watching me.
"Get out Ciara."  His voice was cold and devoid of emotion.  I could see his mouth moving, but I couldn't process his words.  I gaped at him, my mouth hanging wide open as I gasped for air.  Did he really just tell me to get out?
"Get out Ciara."  He repeated.  Once my name left his lips, I was freed from my hypnosis.
"Fuck you!"   I shouted before stalking out of the room.  I ran so fast down the stairs I felt like I was floating.  My legs felt like noodles, and I knew they would give out in any moment.  I pushed my way through the sea of people that were still partying in the living room.  Luckily, everyone was so drunk they didn't even notice anything was wrong.  Everything around me was a blur, and I didn't see or hear anything as I ran through the house and out the front door onto the front porch.  I looked around and noticed that I was outside alone.  Kneeling down, I put my hands over my face and began to sob.  Still in shock, my anger started to take bites out of my devastation and I screamed.  Screamed until my voice began to crack.  Reality finally blew up in my face.  I felt wildly out of control and helpless.  My hurt was consuming me, but the hate that took over drowned me.  I hated Jabari.  I wanted to hurt him.  No, scratch that.  I wanted to kill his ass.
I hopped to my feet at the sound of his voice.  I whirled around to see him moving quickly towards me, anger filling his face.  I turned to run away, nowhere to really go.  As I ran towards Nicki's car, I felt a tug on my jacket forcing me to stop. 
"Bring your ass here."  Jabari seethed.  He threw me against her car, caging me with his body.  My nose began to run, but I refused to sniff and let him think I was crying.  The last thing I needed to do was cry in front of Jabari.  My tears meant nothing to Jabari.  They would make him even more maniacal, like gasoline to an explosion.   He glared down at me as I glared back.
"How could you do this shit to me Jabari?"  I shouted, trying to push him away from me but he was rigid.  His expression was impassive and cold.  "How could you cheat on me?"
"What?  You mad?  You gonna cry now?"  He said coolly with raised eyebrows.  The bitterness in his tone sent chills all over me.  "This is all your fault.  You're to blame for this."
My mouth dropped open as I gaped at that bastard.  Was he serious?
"My fault?  All this time you've been lying to me.  Everybody told me you were fucking her, but my dumb ass wouldn't believe them.  You kept reassuring me that I was the only one, when in fact I wasn't.  I believed you Jabari.  I trusted you.  And this is how you do me?  I didn't make you go up there and fuck her!  You did that shit because you wanted to!  So don't you dare blame me for your whorish actions!"
"You might as well say you did!"  Jabari roared in my face.  "I mean, how fucking long do you expect me to wait to get some pussy outta you?  I been with your ass for damn near four years, and all I've managed to get out of you is some finger fucking.  That's it. We are too old for that shit!  I'm a man and I got fucking needs.  And my need right now is some pussy.  That's a need you ain't been fulfilling and I'm tired of fucking waiting.  I mean, what do you expect me to do?  Keep jacking off?  Keep playing touchy feely with you like we are twelve or some shit?  I'm ready to fuck you.  You say you love me but I can't tell."
"I do love you Jabari!"  I squealed, tears welling up in my eyes.
"No the fuck you don't CeCe!"  He objected.  "If you love me, you would let me fuck you and I wouldn't have to cheat on you."  He was fueled by alcohol that I could smell coming out of his pores.
"What?!"  I shrieked.  "My love for you shouldn't be based on whether I fuck you or not!"
"But it is."  He responded in monotone.  "You claim you want to be with me forever, but I can't fuck you.  That makes a lot of sense.  If you love me prove it.  Let me fuck you tonight."
I recoiled in disbelief.  Overwhelmed with waves of anger, hurt, and confusion, a sudden burst of fight poured into me and my adrenaline kicked in.  With much force, I pushed Jabari away from me enough to break free, but he was too quick.  He grabbed my jacket collar, throwing me back against the car, caging me again.
"You love me Ciara?"  He asked, roughly grabbing my face with both of hands.  Before I could say anything, his lips crashed against mine.  For a few seconds, I kissed him back.  I felt my body wanting to give into him, as he pulled me closer to him.  His dick was at full attention, pressed against my thighs.  I roughly pulled back with a look of disgust.  "You smell like that dirty ass bitch.  That cheap ass perfume she wears is all over you."  I spat, wiping his and my saliva from my lips.
"You mad?"  Jabari taunted with a smile, snaking his hand between my breast and down my stomach.  "We can go back up to Mario's room, and I can fuck you good too.  Make you scream my name for the whole neighborhood to hear?  You saw how much Tiffany liked it."
It felt like someone had a vice grip on my heart.  I just wanted to die in that moment.  If Jabari had never hurt me before, he killed me that night.  My hate for him grew stronger and stronger by the second.  "I'm sure you will forgive me after I take you down one good time. And I'm sure you will forgive yourself for not doing it sooner."  Jabari chuckled with a sinister grin.
I grimaced, spitting in his face.  Jabari jerked back, dropping his arms from my sides. 
"Fuck you."  I seethed.  "I'm done with this shit."
I nudged him with my shoulder, ready to stalk away before being pulled back yet again.  Only this time, by my hair.  Jabari forcefully threw me against Nicki's car again, pushing my face and resultantly making my head hit the side of the car.  He wrapped my ponytail around his hand and turned me around, throwing my head to the car again.  Instantly, I felt a knot form on my forehead.
Before I knew it, I was choking for air as Jabari held me by my throat against the car.  My body was convulsing between the car and Jabari's body, and felt no air passing through my airways.  My eyes were watering uncontrollably and black spots began to invade my vision.  I tried to pull Jabari's hand from my neck, but the more I tried the tighter his grip became.  He leaned into me, his lips brushing my ear.
"Don't you ever in your fucking life disrespect me like that bitch."  He snarled.  "Now.  I told you the only way you are breaking up with me is if I let you go first or in a body bag.  Remember that bitch?  Did you think I was fucking playing when I said that?  You not going nowhere unless I send your ass there.  Until then, you are mine!  Since you don't love me enough to fuck me, I'm gonna keep fucking Tiffany until you come to your senses.  But try to break up with me if you want to bitch, and that will be your last fucking day breathing."  Pain stormed through my stomach as his fist felt like it wanted to bust through to my back from his punch to it.  "I promise you that."
No more words were comprehended as I faded to black.  I passed out and my breathing was strained as I felt my body drop to the ground.  I could hear muffled noises of Jabari groaning and shouting, but couldn't make out what was going on.  I took the threat Jabari gave seriously, but I never dreamed he would really kill me for breaking up with him.  But this was it.  This was what my life had come to.  Maybe I should've listened to my friends when they told me to leave him alone and move on.  Maybe my mother's intuition was right this time.  Everybody saw it coming but me, and I didn't listen.  So, there I lie against the cool, concrete in front of Mario's house clinging on to my life.  My life didn't flash before me, but one thought did. 
Fire.  Even Fire Trevelyan knew Jabari was bad news for me, and hadn't known me long to know the deal about us.  But he was right about everything.  Maybe I should've given him a chance.  Maybe he was what I needed to leave Jabari for good.  But it didn't matter now.  Still straining to breathe, I could still hear commotion around me, but I couldn't move my body.  My eyes wouldn't open.  After what I saw with my own two eyes, I wanted to die.  I wanted to say fuck it all and just go on to the other side.  To me, death was better than me having to live with the extreme hurt and everlasting pain to my heart that Jabari caused.

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