"Considering of going to Mugen Academy?" asked a voice.

Harusuke turned around, and standing before him was Michiru. Upon seeing her, Harusuke couldn't help but remember her glare from yesterday, but he managed to keep himself together.

Michiru then walked up to Harusuke. "Professor Tomoe is more than just the owner of Mugenzu and Mugen Academy. He's also a world-renowned instructor," she went on. "But he was expelled from the academic world quite long ago."

"Expelled?" repeated Harusuke. "Do you have any idea why?"

"Who knows?" replied Michiru. "Though, there is a rumor that Mugen Academy is a school for sorcerers and sorceresses. Pretty crazy, right? Perhaps they say that because of the merit of talented students that attend there. Or perhaps..."

But before Michiru could finish her sentence, a teenage girl from another school came running up to them.

"Um, excuse me," the girl stammered nervously. "Are you the famous solo violinist from Mugen, Michiru Kaioh?"

"Yes, I am," responded Michiru.

The girl then squealed in excitement. "You're an absolute virtuoso! I'm such a big fan of yours!" she gushed as she whipped out a notebook. "May I please get your autograph?!"

Michiru complied and signed on the girl's notebook while Harusuke watched in bewilderment.

"You got to be kidding. First, Michiru's a model, and now I find she's a famous violin player?" he thought. "As if she wasn't enough of a celebrity. Then again, her playing is something to be admired."

As soon as she finished signing, Michiru sent the girl on her way.

"So, does this mean that you're one of those sorceresses since you're a violinist, too?" asked Harusuke.

Michiru smiled as she faced Harusuke. "I could be," she chuckled. "Why don't you find out for yourself?" She then handed Harusuke a small white envelope. "It's a ticket for my next recital."

"Wait, recital? You mean like a concert?" Harusuke asked while staring at the envelope. "And is it okay for me to have this?"

"But of course," smiled Michiru.

As she smiled, Harusuke couldn't help but remember the other night when he saw Sailor Neptune and when she kissed him. Those memories alone made him blush as he tried his best to stay calm.

"Well, since you're being generous, I suppose I'll take them. Thank you very much," said Harusuke. "Say, I was going to head for the Game Center Crown. You - wouldn't want to come with me?"

"Why not? I was on my way over there to meet Haruka anyway," said Michiru.

The two were just about to start walking when Harusuke saw a pair of familiar blade twin tails sticking out from the sides of a tree ahead. Knowing who it was, Harusuke went over to the tree.

"Usagi, is that you over there?" he asked.

The twin tails jumped in surprise, and sure enough, Usagi came out of hiding. "U-Uh... hey, you two," the ordango blonde greeted nervously. "What brings you around here?"

"We were just heading for the arcade," said Harusuke. "You wanna come with us?"

"W-Well, sure. If you don't mind having me along," said Usagi. "I mean, I don't want to intrude."

Harusuke was puzzled. "Intrude? On what?" he wondered.

"N-Nothing. Never mind," Usagi spoke, shaking her head. "Just forget it."

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Where stories live. Discover now