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Sage didn't know if anyone slept last night

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Sage didn't know if anyone slept last night. She knows she sure as hell didn't, and even if she did, Daryl would have woken her up every few hours to check on her. He had been worried about her injury, but after cleaning off the dried blood and the cut on her head, his anxiety subsided— slightly.

When Carol and Sophia had tried to get some sleep, they had found Ed eaten alive, and the overweight asshole was nothing but bloody bones.

The Atlanta group immediately got to work after everything calmed down, by going around camp, and ensuring that any dead members of the camp that were torn apart were pierced through their skull to ensure none would come back as walkers.

Sage was completely exhausted, having been up for over 17 hours, but pushed through even after day broke and it had been 24 hour mark. Sage sat on a lawn chair, her body aching in pain, and taking a break. Bruises littered her upper body and one on her jaw. Charlie lay on the ground at her feet, sleeping. He had been up most of the night with his owner, uneasy about straying too far from her.

Her hazel eyes were trained over at Andrea and Amy, the oldest holding her deceased sister's hand. Andrea was covered in blood, her sleeves were soaked in it, and she even had some in her hair. Sage felt horrible for the sisters, she really did, but Amy was bitten and she was going to turn. Andrea hadn't moved from her position in hours, she just stared into the dead face of her little sister.

Sage couldn't imagine what Andrea was going through, she didn't have any siblings so she couldn't understand that type of bond.

The group discussed it, and Lori volunteered to try to talk some sense into the grieving woman. Lori spoke but Andrea didn't reply, so Lori let her be, giving up. Sage looked up to Daryl who approached her chair.

"You feelin' okay, shorty?" He asked, looking at her head injury.

Sage nods, rubbing her face roughly. "Yeah... I'm just tired. I needed a break."

He nods, squatting next to her. "Last night was rough. How's Charlie doing?"

Sage looked down at her sleeping dog as Daryl rubbed his hand over Charlie's fur. "He's okay, a little skittish, but he's about as exhausted as I am I bet."

The stench of burning meat burned Sage's nose, glancing over at the bodies of the walkers that were being set ablaze. Daryl looked over at her, his blue eyes soft and concerned. "I'm gotta go gather some more of them, relax for a bit."

Sage frowned, watching him walk off. She pouted, wishing he would stay with her, but didn't argue with him as Lori sat beside her. Rick ventured over, seeing there was no change of Andrea's position.

𝐀 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 |the walking dead|Where stories live. Discover now