Chapter 9

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Lyra awoke again at the sound of a door creaking open and she spotted maester Luwin who looked slightly exasperated but resigned at her having bed hopped. Lyra was not known for staying in bed when she was injured and sick, always attempting escape.

"I suppose I should be thankful you've stayed in bed this long," he said as he moved over, and she sat up to not disturb Bran.

"yes, you should" she cheeked him, earning a gentle cuff around her ear.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he checked her over, probing her neck, applying paste, changing the bandage on her thigh and checking her back, observing her eyes and feeling her forehead for any sign of fever.

"my thigh twitches every now and again and my back feels tight, sometimes it hurts to swallow" she admitted knowing she wouldn't get away with hiding anything, spotting Bran sleepily waking up.

He hummed "that's to be expected, now Bran how are you feeling?"

"groggy, weird dream I was flying but okay" Bran muttered sitting up with help for Lyra "why are you in my bed?"

"making sure the bed bugs don't bite" she answered easily earning an exasperated look from him

"I'm not a baby" Bran pouted but snuggled closed to her, allowing Maester Luwin's check over

"I'm going to lower the dosage of milk of the poppy and we'll move you over to the table for breakfast, afterwards you can start moving around" maester Luwin informed them and Lyra swung her legs over the bed, leaning slightly on Beowulf, and limped her way over to the table, keeping the pressure off her injured thigh. Maester Luwin assisted Bran and he kept quiet, but his face was a little pale from the strain of moving.

Their mother came and sat with them, fussing over the pair of them, much to Bran's embarrassment and to Lyra's amusement. She had Rickon who was sitting on her lap and demanded all of her attention and asked when she would be leaving.

"The preparations are going well, of course, Jory headed over to the keep yesterday he should arrive today or tomorrow and I've already sent over some cooks and servants to start setting things up, I'll be leaving today to assist with everything, I think you'll be heading out at the end of the week, of course, you'll need a wheelhouse, I'll inform your father. You must be excited and soon I'll be a grandmother! and this does free up Joffrey for Sansa" Mother was fit to burst by the end of her speech and Lyra rolled her eyes good-naturedly at Bran and Rickon who stifled giggles.

"I'm glad everything is working out well and I'm sure you're coordinating with Bronn, so he has an idea, I do hope Jon comes back, he'll love being the master" she pulled a face at Rickon determinedly ignoring her mother's angered look.

"you cannot be serious about making the bastard your master-at-arms Lyra! It's not proper" her mother fumed, and Lyra calmly met her eyes.

"yes, mother, I am Jon is a strong warrior with a head for training and battle he'll be good at it and it'll give him some status he might find himself a wife like a mill's daughter or perhaps more if they use the old traditions it could be like me and Bronn, who by the way approves of my idea" she informed her and her mother's jaw snapped closed.

"Are my ears burning dearest wife?" Bronn's voice came from the doorway and she turned to see him with a sandwich in hand "should you be out of bed?" he ruffled Bran's hair, tugged Rickon's nose playfully before placing a kiss on her cheek and taking the unoccupied chair.

"if I have to remain in bed any longer I will throw myself off the broken tower" she notified him, and he snorted

"fair enough, you'll be in bed plenty soon enough" he whispered salaciously in her ear and she flushed hot red.

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