Chapter 8

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Bronn grinned to himself as he stood in front of the oak door, controlling himself as doing a jig in victory would be a bit much, quickly running through the ideas he had thought of, he set off in a light jog towards the Lord's solar.

He knocked swiftly and entered when he was bid

"what is it?" Ned asked him while he worked on some papers and his wife worked on a prayer wheel next to the fire.

"I proposed, and she said yes" Bronn smugly told him, and Ned's head jerked upwards

"you're already married" he was dryly informed again

"you and your daughter are so similar" Bronn lamented "I want her to have a proper ceremony with the maiden cloak and everything, a proper celebration"

Catelyn's head jerked up and she gave a high-pitched noise of excitement "oh it'll be wonderful Ned! I was telling you just this morning that we should have a little something for them after all she's our first-born daughter!"

Ned looked between them before nodding his agreement "I talked to Luwin this morning he said that she and Bran will be up and moving within the week so maybe we should have it in two or three weeks?"

"oh, we can most certainly sort it out within that time frame! It'll be wonderful Ned I'll go get started on her maiden and bridal cloak" she went to bustle off, but Bronn intercepted her

"could you leave the Bridal cloak? I already have some ideas for that" he asked, and she nodded her assent before leaving.

"of course, we'll be paying for everything if there's anything you need money for the guards can take you to our treasury" Ned smiled "I'm glad you're doing this for her. My Lyra deserves the best"

"Actually, I'll have enough for the bridal cloak and clothing," Bronn said, and Ned nodded

"well, either way, you're a Stark now and have every right to it" Ned informed him "so long as you aren't attempting to beggaring our coffers, you can do as you like and for any...egregious amounts you just have to discuss the reasoning with me"

Bronn bowed to him before leaving him to his work, going to his chambers and grabbing one of the pouches of gold he had, it should be enough, he bumped into Tyrion on the way to the stables.

"and where are you going in such a hurry that you don't see the people that your bumping into?" the little lord asked him

"it's not like your tall enough to be noticed and I'm heading to the market need to get fabric for a bridal cloak" Bronn sassed him

"and here I thought the Bridal cloak was used in the wedding ceremony, rather than the honeymoon" Tyrion mocked him

"it is dwarf but we are having another" Bronn spoke moving further down the corridor

"But you're already married," Tyrion said in confusion

"yes, I think I bloody realise that I'm married to a beautiful woman" Bronn was irritated, it wasn't like he was about to forget his good fortune, now was he?

"well forgive me, but I thought once you were married, that was it until one or both of you died" was Tyrion's dry statement

"yes, it is and I'm planning on keeping her my wife till death do us part but bloody hell, you try to do something nice and you're just bombarded with stupidity" Bronn groused

"oh, my apologies Lord Stark, I'll leave you to your romantic endeavours, the whores have been getting lonely" and with a salacious grin the Lord waddled off to his horse that was waiting for him at the gate.

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