Chapter 2

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Lyra grinned ferally as she swiped the sword in her right hand in a wide arc towards Theon who quickly dodged backwards wary of the live steel they were using, Jon tried to take advantage by swinging his sword at her exposed left side but her twin Robb quickly intercepted and blocked the attack, the twins stood back to back as Jon and Theon circled them, panting heavily with exertion they engaged the twins again, trying to separate the two to place them on equal footing but they stayed close together, moving as one, as they covered each other, Robb with a shield and sword, NightHowl, mostly playing the defensive while Lyra lashed out with her twin swords, fang and claw, playing the offensive.

 Lyra spotted an opening and quickly swiped her foot behind Theon's ankle, swiftly hooking it and dragging it upwards causing him to lose his balance, she pounced quickly placing the sword to the apple of his throat. Robb similarly used his shield to bash against Jon's chest knocking the wind out of him and causing him to bend double, before swiftly bringing his knee up and crashing it against his face, Jon fell backwards as the pain overtook him and Robb placed his sword against the hollow of his throat.

"Yield" they spoke in perfect unison 

"I yield" Theon muttered petulantly from the ground and Lyra smirked triumphantly 

"aye" Jon agreed, eyeing the sword at his throat until Robb pulled it back helping Jon up

"don't worry Jon, if it was one on one you would have us all in the dirt" Robb bolstered him, winning a small smile for his efforts. They were always pleased to wrangle a smile from their normally dour brother.

"True, and Theon you're the best marksman in all the North, personally I demand more lessons-" 

"which you'll have to beg me for" Theon teased her, she rolled her eyes at her brother, he always was cocky. 

"which will never happen but speaking of lessons Bran's going to be annoyed if we're late" Lyra grinned at the three, as she undid the braid her hair had been in, Lyra was incredibly vain about her hair and the thought of her hair accidentally getting sheared was terrifying. 

Lyra swung herself up onto a fence as Robb leant against the post next to her, the pair watching as Jon and Theon set up the archery practice for Bran who was hurrying down a staircase. Lyra had to smile at the enthusiasm that her little brother showed, he was convinced he was going to be the best at weaponry without trying. he'd soon be corrected of that assumption, Lyra, Robb and Jon had been but Theon was as cocky as always. 

"He's worse than you were Ly" Robb leant over and muttered into her ear as Bran started throwing questions out. 

"As if you were any different" Lyra laughed before continuing "but the Mormonts makes martial prowess to seem so wonderful. I was blessed to be taught by the finest women warriors of the north?" Lyra grinned happily at her brother, it had been one of the few times their father had overruled their mother or spoken of their aunt. 

"Hmm, they had to make up for that incident" a sneer crossed her brothers usually solemn features, the betrayal still stung after the years, Robb had worshipped Jorah Mormont. 

"come on Robbie, contempt doesn't suit your features and the Mormonts are so very loyal" she playfully tugged on his auburn curls- they shared the curls, though his hair was like burnished copper and the leaves of autumn, mimicking their Tully mother whereas Lyra had the black hair some Stark's had like her Uncle Benjen- Lyra felt Robb swat at her. The pair were successfully distracted.

The pair settled down leaning comfortably against each other as Bran shot arrow after arrow, the pair shouting encouragement and different tricks to use, usually confusing their little brother as the advice was contradictive and they fell into bickering about who the superior marksman was out of the pair. 

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