Chapter 7

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Travellers hooves harshly clattered against the stones of the courtyard and his sides heaved with exertion having never fallen beneath a gallop, his eyes rolling in his head wildly, he could tell something was wrong with his mistress and he wasn't happy. Bronn felt slightly bad for pushing Traveller so harsh, but he was sure the horse would recover he was after all bred for stressful situations. And Traveller was pushing himself just as hard to see to his Mistress's safety.

As he came into the courtyard he saw that servants had been assembled and he quickly slid off Traveller and gathered Lyra's limp body in his arms.

"Follow me and I'll take you to the Maester's they're already working on Bran" Bronn nodded his head roughly as...Tilly? Tulu?... Tila, Lyra's handmaiden walked quickly into the keep and Bronn practically dogged her steps until they made it to the Maester's chambers where he shoved his way in and placed her carefully on the free cot. He spotted Maester Luwin but narrowed his eyes at the other one.

standing protectively in front of Lyra he questioned "fuck, are you?"

"I am Maester Phillips from house Forrester, the captain of the guard had me fetched when they started heading back seeing as there are two victims," he said brusquely before brushing him aside not intimidated in the least and Bronn was summarily tossed from the room, so he took up a guard post next to the door opposite from some other guards, Summer and Beowulf soon came sprinting to the chambers and Bronn let them in and they dutifully went to their owner's sides ignoring the protests and snarling at anyone who tried to remove them.

He knew that he looked a mess, his hair in disarray and his clothes ripped and torn, bloodied from the fight he could feel a few cuts and abrasions on his body, but he ignored it they could be seen to later.

He guarded the door with a territorial aggressiveness, anyone who wasn't under the stark family was met with his unsheathed dagger and dead stare, he didn't allow any of them within ten feet of the door and word quickly spread to avoid that corridor or risk getting stabbed he didn't give a flying fuck what any of them thought, those in service of the Stark family were treated with suspicion but cordially.

He didn't spot any of the Stark kids they were most likely being kept away, probably under guards for safety, as he could hear the chaos going on from his spot. Hours passed, and he remained alert, he stood stock-still, always vigilant and his head on a swivel.

Eventually, the Maester's came out and informed him that they were both alright, he nodded his head and went to go in but was grabbed by Luwin who thoroughly bullied him into being taken care of by him in another room while the other one went to inform the family. After he was stitched up he went and sat by Lyra's cot, she was pale and looked so small and delicate, but her chest was rising and falling steadily, and her face was relaxed, a glimpse over at Bran saw him in a similar state although when he woke up he would have some gnarly scars on show.

A servant knocked and hesitantly entered, he stared at her expectantly.

"My Lord Stark has requested your presence in the solar, I am here to bathe the little lord and my lady" she explained, and Bronn nodded silently getting to his feet, brushing his lips against her forehead gently as not to disturb her and exited. He spotted the two guards had remained vigilant and nodded at them respectfully, spotting some stark guards at the end of the corridor he spoke

"Oi, you three get your arses up here stand guard over Lyra and Bran, anyone who isn't a stark or loyal to the Stark's aren't to be allowed within ten feet of the door understood?" he demanded, and they nodded hastening to obey.

"yes, My Lord" and they stood straight and proud, their hands on their weapons.

He nodded in satisfaction and carried down the hall, he was curious about the way everyone was watching him and bowing but put it down to the day's event. He ignored it all storming through the door to the Lord's solar spotting the king but right now what he wanted was answers.

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