Normal again?

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When they let me out of the hospital, Nick came to pick me up. I got into his car and laid my head against the seat. I sighed, knowing that everyone was trying their best to act normal. I had told them earlier to just act like nothing happened, and live life as we normally would. I didn't want them to keep asking me if I was ok or to take care of me. I wanted to live like roommates again, and not a mental hospital. I did have to take medication, Nick is my reminder and my buyer. He reminds me to take them, and buys me more if they run out, or at least he's supposed to. The hospital already gave me pills for a week. So Nick will have to buy me more pills in 2 weeks or so.

When we arrived at the apartment complex, Nick kept looking at me. I knew he was just making sure I was alright but I told him not to do that. ,,hey can you stop that?" I arrogantly walked beside him towards the entrance. ,,stop what?" He asked, stopping himself from opening the door. ,,stop looking at me, to check if I'm alright, I told you to just act normal" ,,Y/n I can't just act normal, it takes time" he said, opening the door. We walked inside, not seeing anyone. ,,Where is everyone?" I asked, looking around. ,,Ethan is probably sleeping, Karl is preparing for a stream and Clay went to go buy somethings" he answered, I nodded and went to sit down on the couch. ,,are you sure you're ok?" He asked, leaning on the kitchen island. ,,Nick I'm fine, just act normal." I said, annoyed. I know things aren't going back to normal so soon, but the least they could do is act like I'm fucking fine.

After awhile of watching TV and talking with Nick, I was getting sleepy. I haven't sleep correctly for days, I laid my head on Nick's shoulder and sighed. He covered us with a blanket and leaned his head against mine. ,,get some rest it has been a shitty 2 days." I chuckled and slowly started falling asleep.

Nick POV
She feel asleep almost immediately, it was relaxing to know that she was back, back with us, and not in the hospital. I snuggled her, hugging her tightly. ,,this time I won't let go.." I whispered, and slowly feel asleep as well.

Clay POV
I put the bags on the floor, grabbing my keys to open the door. I slightly pushed it open and grabbed the bags to go inside. When I entered it was quiet, the only things making noise was the TV, and Karl streaming. I closed the door and walked over to the kitchen, I started putting everything away, feeling like either a mother or a house maid. ,,next time, someone is either coming with, or they go alone" I complained, putting one empty bag in the trash. I looked over at Ethan's bedroom door, seeing It open. ,,we'll good morning, it has been" I paused looking at my watch. ,,3 hours since I got back" ,,oh shut up will ya?" Ethan, complained going to sit on the couch but than just standing there. ,,what's wrong?" I asked, she gestured for me to come over and so I did. I stood beside her looking at the couch.

Nick cuddling with y/n, they were both sound asleep. ,,seriously?" ,,SSHH!" Ethan shushed me, making me chuckle. ,,whatever come and help me put the things away" I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the kitchen. ,,noooo, I don't wanna!" She whined, trying to losen my grip. ,,here" I gave her a bag and gave her a smug look. ,,you're an ass" she complained, me letting her go. ,,right" I responded, laughing a little.

Karl POV
I was so ready to just end stream without saying goodbye, everyone kept asking where Y/n was, but I couldn't just say: ,,oh yeah she tried to kill herself so she ended up in the hospital" like no! I just ignored them, focusing on the game I was playing. ,,Karl, What happened to
Y/n's stream week? She stopped streaming 2 days into the week.." the robotic voice read out loud. I looked at the donation thanking them for the 5, and completely ignoring them. They chat started getting suspicious, they even said that I was "pretty sus". ,,OKAY! I had enough today! I'm tired and some of you are probably tired too! So good night!" I turned off stream and immediately turned off my whole PC. Everything went black, only the lights of my small lights being on. I stood up from the chair and walked over to the door. I exited my room walking over to the kitchen. I saw Clay and Ethan talking, while seeing that Nick and Y/n were asleep on the couch. ,,at least she's safe now" I whispered. Walking over to Ethan and Clay. ,,hey, I thought you were streaming?" Ethan asked, looking at me concerned. ,, everyone kept asking about Y/n and what had happened. I couldn't even focus on the game" I complained, taking a monster out of the fridge. ,,nope" clay took the monster from my hand and put it back in the fridge. ,,what the hell?!" I angrily grabbed his arm. ,,that won't help with your miseries" he said, handing me a glass of water. ,,whatever".

I woke up, feeling arms around my body. I looked around seeing Nick still asleep, holding me as if I was a teddy bear. I took my phone and looked at the time, seeing that it was currently 2:30 in the morning. ,,it's too damn early" I whispered, as to not wake up Nick. I laid back down feeling comfortable and safe in his arms. Eventually falling back asleep.

I ran after him
Suddenly he was gone
I only saw darkness
I whispered

1010 words
Sorry if it's kinda short I'm going through some rough shit right now, and I'm trying my best to update.

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