💚Late night stream💚

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Dream is live!
Be quiet 🤫

Clay P.O.V
,,hey guys" I whispered, I had logged into my twitch account from Y/n's computer. ,,We have to be quiet today, I logged into Y/n's computer and logged into my twitch account to stream." I said, as quietly as possible. ,,The thing is- she's asleep... so we have to be quiet-"


User15859294: OMGGGG
User43729107: I CANT BELIEVE IT
User64792018: 💚💚💚💚💚💚

,,GUYS!" I whispered/yelled. ,,Don't! Donate to much!" I facepalmed myself and looked behind me. She had curled up into a little comfort ball. I smiled and giggled, looking back at the stream. ,,you guys are lucky that she's still asleep." I threatened. ,,So I was planning on playing minecraft, but I can't be too loud, so no yelling, screaming, punching the desk, or throwing stuff around the room." I exclaimed, the chat "agreed" and I rolled my eyes. ,,Let's get started shall we" I clicked on minecraft, and started loading it.

,,wait-" I realised. ,,I'm gonna have Y/n's skin instead of mine. I should have logged into my minecraft account!" I almost hit desk, but stopped myself. I cleared my throat and continued playing, even though I had Y/n's skin.

User1092837: Aw he's so cute!💚 he's trying to wake her up!
Hater0091267: I don't even get why she's so great 😃🔫🤢🤮
User6630174: STFU
User6481001: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!
User1106492: SHES AMAZING❤️💚❤️😃❤️
User5506482: RIGHT DREAM?!

Everyone started spamming something, so I paused the game and re-read what chat had been saying. ,,I don't even get why she's so great?" I read out loud, I sighed and looked back at chat. ,,I'll tell you why she's so great.." I started the game again, and kept playing. ,,She's a loving person who cares so much about her friends and family, since she moved in with us she has been the sweetest thing ever. And to be honest chat..." I paused, I stopped the character from walking and it went silent.

,,I think I might have a crush on her"

Ethan P.O.V
After Karl and Nick had comforted me, they had both fallen asleep on the couch. Both of them using me as a pillow. I grabbed my phone and checked some notifications I had missed, I skipped some of them and ignored people that texted me. Than a new notification popped up, it was Dream. He was live right now, I clicked on his stream and got comfortable. She started whispering so I grabbed my headphones and put them on. And as soon as I do...

,,I'm gonna have Y/n's skin instead of mine. I should have logged into my minecraft account!"
He was in Y/n's computer? Of course he would be on her stupid computer in her skirt little room with the little slut herself. I turned off the stream and placed my phone in my pocket. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass and filling it with water, I leaned on the counter and drank a little of the water. ,,What if I try to wake her up? That would make him upset though...UGH I hate this" I put the glass in the sink and walked over to Y/n's door. I leaned my head to the door, trying to listen to what was happening inside. There was mostly silence and muffled talking.

I knocked on the door, wanting an excuse to why I may or may have not woken her up. ,,What do you want Ethan?" Clay said, staring me down. I loved it when he looked at me like I was fresh meat. It gave me butterflies. ,,I was wondering if SHE was asleep?" I said kinda loudly. ,,He looked behind him and saw her move to the other side, where the bedside table is, and grabbed her phone. ,,Great just great! You woke her up" he said sarcastically. He closed the door in me and didn't let me talk or explain at all. ,,Whatever!" I tried to say loud enough for them to hear.

Y/n P.O.V
I woke up and turned to the bedside table where my phone is.
I grabbed it and looked at the time. It was almost 4am. ,,you're not supposed to be on your phone Y/n" Clay walked over to me sitting on the bed. ,,huh?" I questioned. ,,oh hi Clay" I said, sleepily. ,,why is my computer on? Are you streaming on my computer?" I laughed a little and sat up. ,,what are you doing? Aren't you tired?" He asked grabbing my shoulder. ,,At least let me say hi to the chat" I said, grabbing his hand and standing up. I sat in the chair and let go of clay's hand. ,,Hey stream" I was still kinda tired so my voice also sounded kinda ,,out of tune".


,,Aw thx chat, good morning/evening or afternoon to you all. Mwah!" I blew a kiss, and laughed looking behind me. Clay was beside me waiting for me to go back to bed. ,,okay okay I'll go to bed" I rolled my eyes and stood up from the chair, giving him the headphones. ,,before you put them on" I paused getting closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck keeping eye contact with him. ,,I kissed you when you were asleep" I whispered I let go of him and walked to the bed. He just stood there shocked.

,,don't keep the stream waiting" I said, he snapped out of it, sitting down and putting the headphones on. I laid back in bed and after a few minutes fell asleep.

Clay P.O.V
'I- WHAT- HOW- WHY-' my thoughts were all over the place, I couldn't process what she had just said.

Donation: Why are you so silent? What happened?

,,huh?" I asked confused, I looked at the Dino and re-read it. ,,Oh nothing guys I'm fine I'm just concentrated." I said, and kept playing.

After few moments of trying not to rage, I beat minecraft and ended the stream. After I had ended the stream I logged out and turned off her computer. I turned around in the chair, looking at Y/n.

,,Did you actually kiss me?"
I asked no one, I was just staring at her, with hope that she was telling the truth.

1087 words

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