Getting It Back

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Ryan's P.O.V~~~

Alright, I am totally going to take my life back from Maddie! No backing-out, no bailing, and absolutely no more Maddie! Well, I'm not gonna kill her! It's too hard to explain... I heard her dad just got fired from his job. So he's starting to find a new job so they can say in their castle─I mean house. How about I sabotage their mailbox so he won't get any job advertisements and then they'll have no more money to pay off the house, and bam, they are on the streets! Maybe I didn't th ink this through very much, but it's the best I got right now.

At Maddie's House~~~

Ruby and I snuck around her house at about 2 in the morning. We got coffee earlier so we could stay up at night. Ruby opened the yellow mailbox and took a look at their letters and mail. "Why do they get so much mail!?" Ruby said. "Shuddup!" I shout-whispered. I scanned through all the mail and found 12 job advertisements! What the heck!? Is that guy Bill Gates!? I stashed them in my bag and headed home, but before we could leave, someone spotted us next to the fountain and yell: Hey, you! Stop!
We ran for it! Ruby looked back and td me it was Kenzie who went outside. Shoot, she's gonna tackle us...
I dove into the car and and Ruby trailing behind me, then we sped off.

Kenzie's P.O.V~~~

Dangit! That thief got away with the fountain coins! Oh, well. But just one thing I wonder...who was it!?

1 Long Month Later~~~
Maddie's P.O.V~~~

GREAT! NOW I HAVE TO REBUILD MY HOLD IN ANOTHER SCHOOL! My stupid dad can't find a job in a month and now we need to pack up!!! UGH! At least Ryan would stop bugging me! But all those people who followed me on Twitter... Whatever I'll have more people to follow me in another school. My dad was planning on moving to New York. I guess I'll agree if there aren't any Ryans over there.


"Oh, farewell, Ryan! I'll miss you!" I said obviously with sarcasm. "Shuddup, you should be happy. Plus, if you haven't check your phone, everybody stopped following you." "Pfft. Whatever." I packed up all my stuff on a box and went to the administration office. But before I left, I threw a note into Ryan's locker. Hopes she reads it. Now off to another sucky school.

Ryan's P.O.V~~~

What the heck? Why did Maddie send me this note? This is probably a stupid joke:

Just so you know, you witch, I actually thought we could be friends! But guess what? You has to be mean to me! Giving me stupid looks and rubbing your popularity in my face! Well, then. There must be a friend that will turn on you! Soon.
─ Maddie

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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