22. Kennedy

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Chapter Song: This is How You Fall in Love- Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler

3 months later

"Okay the lemon pasta was definitely worth all the craze," Cal smirked at me leaning up against the tree.

I settled in next to him. We had just finished washing the dishes for his mom and decided to sit outside to enjoy the night with a few drinks.

I'd gotten back from London about two weeks ago. I was staying with my parents but moving into my own apartment next week. The boys were going to help me move everything, thankfully.

While I was gone I kept in contact with everyone. We had weekly FaceTime nights where everyone was at Liam and Riley's house to talk to me. It gave me something to look forward to each week. I didn't feel like I was missing out. It made me more excited to see them when I got home.


It was funny to talk about. Because for so long I didn't feel like I was home anywhere. I felt too lost. I still felt that way but less now. I felt better about being home.

Even Cal and I continued to talk. Usually it was random texts that were classified as complaints about things. Or jokes we'd make. It felt good to have him in my life again. I hated how much time we wasted.

"Remember when you took me out here during Nolan's wedding?" I nudged his shoulder.

"Mmhmm," he smiled sipping his beer. "Dance with me?" He held out his hand offering it to me. I took it allowing him to help me up.

"Are you going to step on my feet again?"

"Maybe," he stopped and considered. "Probably."

We danced to our own song that we couldn't hear. I imagined it was something pretty and with piano. We both loved the sound of piano, even though neither of us had musical talent.

"I read your letter today."

"What letter," he asked spinning me around.

"The one from our time capsule. I didn't read it at first. Then I forgot about it until I found it today."

I was getting the last of my things from Liam's and found it in a drawer. I sat on the floor and hysterically cried at the words. I didn't know why it took my so long to read it. But it gave me the right push for tonight.

I memorized his words. Because if that was the last thing I'd ever get from Cal McCormick then I never wanted to forget it. I never wanted to forget something we once had that was worth all the good things.

Miss Kennedy Lee,

I've been staring at this paper for over an hour trying to write something. Because how do I find the right words to say what I feel about you? You're my best friend (don't tell Liam.. or Mason actually we don't need any hearts broken).

Sometimes I think about the first day I met you. The one where we always said we knew something special was going to happen. Then came the years of constant pranks and endless teasing. Somewhere in between that a friendship formed. A sort of bond really. Even when things got messy, really messy, you always had my back. Even if it killed you.

There's no mistaking the way we hurt each other either. I wish I could take it back. Things would have been so much easier if I just stood up for myself, for us.

Ken, you can light up a room just by walking in it. I've never seen someone with that breathtaking energy that you have. Maybe I'm biased. But you keep me in awe constantly. Sometimes it hurts to look at you, not because of how pretty you are. Trust me you're really pretty. Breathtaking. It hurts looking at you because I never knew I could feel this way about a person.

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