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Hermione ,

I woke up to feel the bed empty , the sun came in through the curtains so that means it's barley morning. Damon wasn't here which is odd , I looked down at my body and saw that I was still completely naked while my hair was all over my face. Blushed crept on my cheeks , I rubbed my eyes with a yawn and stood out of bed finding my knickers by Damons shirt. Hm that means he's gotta still be here I thought , I put them on and decided to but on his shirt as well and it hung above my knees so covering everything. The house was quiet when I left my room grabbing my phone I checked that it was barely 7 in the morning , I rolled my eyes by how early I got up.

Once I got downstairs I saw Damon sitting on the couch writing in something that looked like a journal? , the floor creaked just a bit but loud enough for him to hear. I stopped and Damon looked up from his writing and looked at me , "Goodmorning" he said with a small smile and went back to writing. Confusion spread to my face "Goodmorning?" I said back and went to the kitchen , ok this is really weird part of my mind said. Grabbing a glass of water I gulped it quickly and went back to the living room , I stood by the edge of the sofa and stared at Damon. He noticed me staring and closed his journal, "Everything alright?" I blinked and came back to normal. "Yea i'm ok" I said honestly, he nodded and stood up "I'm bringing some girls back tonight so please stay out of my room" Damon told me.

I froze and my mouth opened just a bit while my breath caught in my throat. What? my mind questioned , he then busted out laughing and I stood there confused. "Hermione im joking , come here" He really got me there my mind said again. I giggled and hugged him , my head laid right on his chest and took in the sent of cologne he had. "I need my shirt back" Damon said and I released him , I looked up to him and said "Hmm no you wear to much black all the time" I sat down while he stood and smiled "Black is my favorite color" Damon replied. I rolled my eyes and sigh "You should wear a dark blue shirt one day it'll look good on you" I yawned a bit , he scoffed "Yea one day" being sarcastic. I stood back up and walked back to kitchen with him following me , Elena and Stefan still haven't woke which was surprising. I didn't think much of it since it was still pretty early I didn't decide to make any breakfast because we weren't really hungry and Damon never got hungry much.

"You know Hermione I was thinking about how you used to say that no matter what it came to that you'll choose Stefan over me." Damon said seriously , oh merlin here we go my mind said. I nodded and grabbed a bottle of water "What about it?" he looked up to meet my eyes as if they were saying don't act stupid , "Yesterday night. Did you really want to choose me?" Damon asked. I went up to him and placed my hand on his cheek looking right into his eyes "Of course I did." his face relaxed so I continued "I didn't know who you were until I fully got to spend time with you and now I see the guy who acts like the bad guy but really isn't" I smiled at him knowing that I was right about that. Damon has a soft spot for me and only for me , which is honestly very surprising. He chuckled and rolled his eyes "Don't tell anyone or they might just start believing you" I laughed and started walking back upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Damon asked me seeing that I was halfway through the stairs , I turned to face him "I have to shower , i'm planning on heading to town with Elena later today". He looked at me with a surprised look before nodding "By the time you get out I won't be here. I'll be in town looking for something and won't be back until night." I looked at him confused now wondering what he needed to find that would take him almost all day.

I didn't question him for the reason that a part of me didn't want to know. So I shot him a bright smile and nodded "Okay I'll see you then" Damon smiled and grabbed a shirt that was randomly by the door and the book he was writing in earlier then headed out the door without a single word. I sigh and got to my room ready to shower until I heard a knock on my door , I opened and saw Stefan standing a few feet away "Oh hello Stefan" I said. "Hey Hermione , I wanted to ask if you wanted to head into town for the morning" he smiled , but then his eyes traveled down to my shirt oh no I said to myself. Forgetting I still had Damon's shirt on and I didn't want Stefan to find out like this , "Busy night?" he asked not looking as embarrassed as me just curious "I guess you can say that" I said back to him.

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