Damon Salvatore.

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1 week later , Hermione .

It's been about a week now since Me and Stefan have last hung out Klaus has been showing me around here and it's quite beautiful , he had to meet an old friend but I decided to stay in and relax. *sign* it was getting quite boring so I decided to bake some Cinnamon rolls and drop some off to Stefan after all.
I decided to change into some skinny jeans and a plain black long sleeve shirt. Once again my hair was messy and all over the place *Beep Beep* the oven went off I groaned and put my hair up in a messy bun , while I let them cool off I went to put on my shoes. I was debating if I should call Stefan and let him know i'm coming by or not it's whatever i'll just surprise him , I placed the icing on the Cinnamon rolls while I packed 5 of them.

With that I headed out the door and out the lobby.

It was a nice day out the sun was not really out it was windy and beautiful , many people were going on walks with their dogs. I finally arrived at Stefans house and hoped he was home I knocked softly
"Coming!" I heard him shout from the inside , rn she when the door open "Oh hey Hermione , I didn't know you were gonna stop by" Stefan smiled.
"I kinda wanted to surprise you since we haven't seen each other recently and I also baked some Cinnamon rolls , I hope you can eat them" I smiled
"These are actually my favorite, thanks Hermione" I nodded.

"Would you like to come in?" Stefan asked with a smile "Oh yes that'll be great" I stepped inside and it smelt fresh and nice , "I just need to change shirts i'll be down in a few" I nodded "Make yourself comfortable" I watched him go upstairs. I decided to stand since he wouldn't take long *knock knock* I heard someone knocking "hmm I wonder who'll that would be" they knocked louder I rolled my eyes and sign "Coming!" I shouted. When I open the front door a tall man with light blue eyes and dark hair was standing with a smirk on his face , "Uh may I help you?" I asked confused "Well would you look at that Stefan finally got over Elena" he said I was confused.

"Who are you?" I asked he smiled "I'm Damon" my eyes widen "Your Stefans brother?" Damon nodded with a stupid smirk "May I come in?" I open my mouth to answer but Stefan cut me off. "What are you doing here Damon?" I stepped back and stood next to Stefan "Can't I come see how my little brother has been doing?" Stefan scoffed "It's been 4 years Damon almost 5 and you just now come back?
brothers don't do that" I could see the hurt in Stefans eyes , without any hesitate I grabbed his hand into mine he looked down at it he smiled before looking back up at Damon.

"Well well I didn't think Stefan would forget about Elena that fast even after they separated" I answered for Stefan this time "Me and Stefan aren't together , we're just friends Damon" I shot him a glare "mhm" he responded smiling. "Can I atleast come in dear brother?" I looked up at Stefan and he nodded I heard Damon chuckle before stepping in , he walked towards me I tighten my hand around my wand in my purse "and what's your name?" he asked looking in my eyes "Hermione" I simply responded Damon smirked, he reached to my face before rubbing his fingers slowly against my cheek.

Stefan stepped in front of him "I wouldn't mess with her Damon" Damon let out a chuckle before asking
"and why should I? Stefan turned to me asking if it was okay to tell him I nodded "Shes a witch Damon."
I saw how Damon's face became Paler then it already was. "You remind me of a old friend of mine , shes was also a witch now I don't know where she is"
I just looked at him not staying anything Stefan then broke the Silence "Why are you actually here for Damon?" Damon rolled his eyes and sign "So many questions Stefan" I looked at him furious.

"I'm here" he grabbed an apple from the table before finishing "because I heard that someone's back in town" I looked at him confused "Who exactly are you aiming at?" Stefan asked confused as well , Damon scoffed "Klaus Of course , who else?" my face went pale oh this wasn't going to be good. Stefan let go of my hand forgetting it was even there we both followed Damon into the living room "What did Klaus do now that you came after all these years?" Stefan asked Damon , "To finish what he started , he almost killed the girl me and you both loved Stefan"
that's when I stepped in "Klaus has changed Damon"
he turned to look at me "How would you know Hermione? You don't even know who he is or what he did" I sign.

"Actually I do" I felt Stefan stand behind me Damon came closer and stopped to where I could feel his breath on my skin "Oh yea? how then" I smirked
"He's my boyfriend." his face then went straight almost frighten "A witch and a hybrid together? who would've thought i'll come to see a day that happen" he chuckled. "Hermione isn't like Bonnie Damon , Bonnie has powers while Hermione has a wand that can still beat us" Stefan explained while Damon laughed "A wand? really a wand?" he still continued to laugh "What can a wand do to a vampire?" Damon chuckled "Wanna find out?" I clenched my teeth.

"I think he does Hermione" Stefan said with a smile a smirked and took my wand out "Stupefy" I pointed at Damon and he went flying and hit a wall , Stefan laughed while I giggled. Damon groaned "Alright then she can be a badass after all" I nodded , Damon was having a hard time trying to get straight up he kept rubbing his back Me and Stefan kept laughing at that. After a few moments we settled down before I asked "Klaus stopped trying to find Elena so why come back?" Damon turned around "Were enemies what do you except?" I rolled my eyes , I sat on the couch beside Stefan "Is anything gonna happen between you guys?" Stefan sign "I hope not."

4 hours later ,

Stefan , Damon ,and I all went into town to check some things out it was now 6:30 pm and i'm guessing Klaus still hasn't gotten back from meeting
his friend , "So Hermione have you heard that there's gonna be a party here in town tomorrow?" Damon asked. My eyes widen in shock "What? Really?!" Stefan smiled "Yes. You should come it'll be fun" I was nervous I haven't been to a party or ball since the Yule ball and that was about 4 years ago. "I have nothing to wear , I didn't think there was stuff like that around here" I said , Damon turned to me "Then let's get you something , I bet Stefan won't mind" I turned to Stefan and he smiled
I returned it "I don't know I don't really look good in any dresses" Damon sign "Oh come on let's go" he grabbed Me and Stefans arms before dragging us into a store.

It was about 8 o'clock and I finally returned home with a handful of bags in each hand , Stefan and Damon really went overboard on me. I went into the room and saw that Klaus was asleep already I quietly sat next to him "Darling i'm back" I whispered while I shook him lightly, after two try's he started to wake up he rubbed his eyes and smiled at me. " Hello love , I missed seeing you all day" Klaus said , I smiled while giving him a kiss on the lips "I went shopping today since I heard there was going to be a party tomorrow here at town and I was going to see if you'll be my lovely prince and come with me" I giggled.

Klaus smiled "I will love to darling , I haven't been in one of those in years now" I chuckled before getting up , "Now that you know i'm here i'm going to take a shower" Klaus sat up "Mind if I join?" he smirked I rolled my eyes "Not at all" I smiled before kissing him again , tomorrow is going to be interesting.

A/N:Theres Chapter 4 for you  guys!! im hoping you guys are enjoying this story as much as I do💜 , please vote and  comment thanks😸 .

Love ,
Gisselle x.

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