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Hermione .

1 month later..
It was late at night and I decided to go for a walk since it was a very nice night. Everything has been normal these past few months , no drama, no more unexpected surprises or anything like that. Klaus and I have been better then before and back to normal. The moon was bright enough for me to see where I was headed to , I started doing this more often because it's been calming me down about a lot of stuff. I miss Harry and Ron very much they've only written to me one time a week which is pretty odd but I at least know they're doing just fine.

It was a chilly night for sure and very relaxing *Thump* I gasped as I turned around. There was nothing seen I grabbed my wand from my pocket and aimed it to whatever was there. "Lumos" I whispered I looked around the street to see nothing but blackness. "Hey witchy witchy" I heard someone say behind me I tighten my grip on my wand and turned around slowly. I then was face to face with the young lady me and Klaus saw at the grill "Who are you?" I asked she chuckled and moved closer to me. "I'm Haley. Haley Marshall" she smirked "What do you want?" I stepped back. "Well I just wanted to say hi to Klaus's little girlfriend" she looked at me up and down "He really did down grade" she chucked.

I felt anger rush all over my body.. at that moment I wasn't Hermione anymore. "I don't know what's your problem but just because Klaus moved on doesn't mean you have to say rude things to me" I snapped , she laughed "oh honey , Klaus is mine." her eyes changed into a green color I already knew what she was doing. "You don't scare me." I looked her in the eye , "Stupefy!" I yelled and shot the spell right on her chest , she flew back and landed hard on the ground. I acted quickly and blowed on my ring seconds later Stefan appeared "Hermione what's going on?" he asked worried. "It's Hayley" I whispered. He had a shocked face "Oh if it isn't Mr. Salvatore." I heard Hayley say , Stefan turned around with a sign "What are you doing here Hayley?" Stefan snapped.

"Just making new friends as usual" she smiled looking right at me. "No one wants to be your friend Hayley so why not leave" Stefan said , I saw Hayleys smile drop into a bitch face "Very well then I'll see you around witch" and with that she disappeared.
"You ok?" Stefan turned around and asked "Yea i'm fine i'm surprised the spell I threw at her actually worked." Stefan smiled "Do you want me to walk you home?" he asked. I didn't want to be alone after this night , it's not that I was scared or anything it's just that Klaus left for a work job a week ago and it's been lonely. "Actually I was wondering if I could uhh maybe stay the night at.. your house?" he gave me a confused look "I- I kinda don't wanna be by myself tonight." Stefan smirked "I don't mind. It's just me and Damon anyways." I gave him a smile he turned his back on me "Hop on" my eyes widen. "We're doing again?" I wined, Stefan just shrugged "or we can just walk an hour back to—" I cut him off "Alright alright turn around" he laughed and did as he was told.

I hopped on his back and held onto him very well , we then took off into the night. The wind hit my cheeks like waves this is what I mean when I say I need fresh air , minutes later we appeared in front of his house it looked rather beautiful at night with all the lights on. Stefan opened the door as we both walked in Damon appeared , "Well well well I didn't expect any company this late at night." he looked right at me with a smirk. "Hermione is staying the night today if that's not a problem" Stefan told Damon I looked at him with a small smile that he returned he walked away into his room. Stefan turned around to face me "Let me show you your room." I followed him upstairs and into a room it was huge, the bed was in the middle of the bedroom the sheets where black silk the bathroom was huge.
"Thank you Stefan for letting me stay here for tonight I owe you one" I said to him , he smiled "Anything for a friend" he said. I blushed as I looked at him , after moments of silence he spoke up "well you should get to bed it's pretty late" I nodded "Goodnight" I said "Goodnight" and with that he shut the door behind him.

Everything seemed weird without Harry and Ron. It just didn't feel complete without them sometimes , I truly missed them and Hogwarts so much and wished I could see them again but I will soon. I found an oversized shirt in one of the drawers so I just decided to sleep with it. Two hours past and I couldn't sleep I sign and got up to the hallway I stopped right in front of Stefan's door and opened it slowly. His room looked the same as mines but much bigger, I then saw him peacefully asleep I smiled and walked back out and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass a water before I went back up to my room "Morning" I gasped as a turned quickly around and saw Damon leaning on the wall.
"Damon you scared me" I said trying to catch my breath "Yeah that's really easy to do on you" I smacked his arm as he chuckled. "Why are you up this early?" I asked him "I could ask you the same thing" Damon said "I couldn't sleep" I said "and I couldn't either ms.witch" I smiled after a few moments of silence I spoke up "Is there a thunderstorm tonight?" I asked worried. "Yes a very big scary one" Damon teased me , I rolled my eyes
"Looks like I will be sleeping on the couch" I sign while walking past Damon. "Why don't you just sleep in you're room?" he questioned I turned around to face him "I— I uhh i'm scared of storms"

I whispered while looking at the floor I heard Damon chuckle "I didn't know a brave witch like you was scared of a small storm" he said. I rolled my eyes "Goodnight Damon" and I went downstairs to the couch , 2 hours later my eyes were wide like a hawk I couldn't sleep at all with the noises outside. I got up and made my way to Stefans room I opened the bedroom door quietly and stepped inside. Stefan laid peacefully , he was shirtless with only his boxers on I felt my cheeks burn up. I walked to his side of the bed and nudged him a little "Stefan" I whispered he opened his eyes just a little "yes herione?" he mumbled my name wrong which made me chuckle.
"Can I stay here tonight?" I whispered back his eyes were now closed he was half asleep "yea yea go ahead" he mumbled again. I smiled and slid in on the other side of the bed and under the covers , I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my hand around his waist , I was half way asleep when I felt him put his arm around my waist.My eyes drifted away and just with that I fell deeply asleep in Stefans arms.

"Good Morning sleepy heads" I jerked up with my wand pointed at Damon? I rubbed my eyes to see if I was seeing correctly "Damon what are you doing up so early?" I groaned as I fell back on the pillow. Stefan was stirring "Oh just came to wake the love birds up" he smiled I rolled my eyes "Remember i'm with Klaus not Stefan ,he's my friend" I said. Stefan then sat up "Why are you guys up so early?" he said half asleep "Damon is the one that woke me up" I mumbled as my face was buried in the pillow. "I'll just leave you to lovers at peace then" Damon said waking towards the door I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him Damon chuckled as he walked out.
"Did you come in last night?" Stefan asked I sat up and looked down at him "Yea I hope you didn't mind" I felt my cheeks go red "Not at all" Stefan shot a smile.

Once I was dressed I walked downstairs and saw Damon sitting on the couch reading a book I shot a surprise look before heading towards him. " I didn't know you liked to read" Damon scoffed "Your not the only one that's smart here Hermione" I laughed as I got up. "Do you mind walking me back home? I could've asked Stefan but he's in the shower" Damon got up "Finally I can murder you" Damon sign. "Remember I have a wand" I teased "Yea yea whatever" Damon rolled his eyes as we walked outside , it was a sunny morning all the birds were out flying "So what made you sleep in Stefans room?" Damon asked "I told you I was scared of storms" he burst out laughing until I nudged him on his side. "It not funny" I sign while my feet moved the leaves around , we walked into town as we appeared in front of the hotel I turned to look at Damon. "Well thanks for the walk" I told him
"No problem witch" Damon nodded before walking off. I stopped him "Hey Damon , thanks for being a nice friend to me" Damon smiled and nodded "Always." then walked back.

Always repeated in me head. Maybe Always was the key word.

A/N: Heyy guys i'm sorry i've taken long to update i've been really busy with school since it's almost over and i'm sorry this was shorter then the other chapters but i'll try to make the next one longer. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter please Vote & Comment!.

Gisselle x.

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