Chapter 18 Saving

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"NOOOOOO!" Malachi screamed and dove forwards.

He caught Tamar before she hit the ground and shoved the alien away, so hard that it impacted a large oak at a bad angle. Slumping to the ground, blood leaking from between its lips, it laid still. Malachi gave it not a second glance.

"Okay, that didn't go at all like I planned." Tamar tried to smile, but the pool of blood coming from her mouth didn't seem very funny to Malachi.

"Don't talk, just lay still and heal. You're going to be fine."

"Your a poor liar, you know that right?"

"I'm going to fix you up. There's no way I've put up with you for almost three weeks to just let you die now."

"Looks like you're going to have to get your information from someone else." Tamar's eyes rolled back in her head as it lolled back over his arm.

"No, no, no,no,no." Malachi closed his eyes and concentrated.

After a few deep breaths he laid Tamar on the ground. When a quick sensor scan showed nothing within range, he closed his eyes and began. Laying his right hand on top of Tamar's chest he focused his will down until a tiny black thread crept its way from his index finger, and aided by his on board, which he had decided to name Claw, he maneuvered the thread until it slipped into the gaping wound the Rougarians blade had left.

Within seconds he'd found the most series wound. The artery which supplied most of the blood to her liver had been cut nearly in half. With every beat of her heart, she was killing herself. She healed at an astounding rate. Already the tissue around the wound was knitting back together. But ever she wouldn't heal this wound in time. So he decided to help.

Flattening the end of the thread into a tiny patch, he wrapped it around the damaged artery and squeezed it gentle. The flow of blood dropped from a gush to a trickle, then finally stopped.

"Her heart rate is a little slow and blood pressure is one ninety over sixty five. But I still don't know what you're trying to prove with this little stunt? What? Are you going to stay affixed to this young woman for the rest of your life?"

"No, all I need to do is wait until she heals and then withdraw the patch. With any luck, she'll sleep through the whole thing."

That might be a little trickery than you think."

"Why?" Malachi asked.

"Because that wound is not healing at all."

"What do you mean it's not healing?" Malachi looked down to see that the entrance wound was almost closed. "Why is that artery not healing?"

"Because you used this suit to close it." Claws words sent a chill up his spine.

"I warned you about this back on the Nest. The material of which this suit was created has some unique properties, one of which is its ability to absorb and redirect energy. That patch is holding that artery closed, but it is also keeping her body from repairing the damage. If you remove it, her body will not be able to heal that wound before she bleeds out."

"Fine, then we leave it in." Malachi's voice took on a steely tone.

"And be stuck to her forever? You can't do that."

"I didn't say I was going to be stuck to her." Before Claw could argue, Malachi gathered a huge amount of energy at the point where the thread met the small patch. He waited until he saw Tamar's eyes flicker open, then he burnt the patch free from the thread.

Without a sound, he slumped unconscious to the floor. His mind cut off by a wave of pain so uncomprehendable, it shut everything down in its path. It was as if someone threw a switch and his body shut down.

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