Chapter 17 Wounded

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"Captain, launch the black nest. Give them that things last know location, order them to kill it and bring me back that creature, now." Vapade cringed at Thargoan's whisper.

"But my Lord, surely all seven would be over kill. We dare not risk all seven, if they're lost we will never get them back."

"Captain, my orders are clear, are they not? I don't care if we lose ever single one of them. My father grows impatient, maybe I should let you talk to him during our next chat? What would you say to him when he asks why this mission seems to drag on and on and on?" Thargoan smiled from behind his huge wooden desk.

"No my Lord, that will not be necessary, your orders will be carried out." With a sharp bow Vapade whirled and almost ran from the Princes stateroom.

"Oh, and Captain, it's come to my attention that some of our, shall I say, more overzealous troops on the ground fired several plasma artillery rounds at our quarry?" Vapade stopped, how had the Prince learned of the incident so quickly? 

"Yes my Lord, it was from one of our brigade commanders. His brother was on one of landing craft whatever that thing is took out." He stopped at the door and turned.

"Then I will take it in good faith that he will be suitably reprimanded Captain?"

"It will be done my Lord." Before the Prince could say another word Vapade slipped from the room.

Running the claws of his right hand over the deep purple wood that made up his state room table. Thargoan sighed, the huge table had been carved from a single block of ultra dense wood of the Hagquara tree, which grew only in the Hagtha peninsula of his home land. The desk had been in his family line for over twenty generations and now it was his. No it actually belonged to his father, it was only on lone to him. It would be his upon completion of this mission. Thargoan never liked wasting assets, but he needed more data on whatever this new foe was. Once a weakness could be found another obstacle would be over come, and that would place him one more move towards victory.

"We should be about a day away from the nearest of the mining shafts." Malachi leaned back against the small tree he was using as a back rest and sighed. "If we get moving early tomorrow morning, we should make it there before dark."

"Oh just relax and get some sleep. You said we're about a day ahead of any Rougarian forces, so calm down." Tamar rolled over to face him and asked. "Why aren't we inside? I've kind of gotten used to sleeping on a bed."

"Get some sleep," he said changing the subject. "I'll keep watch."

"What's the matter this time?" Tamar was beginning to be able to read him, as much as he tried to keep her from doing so.

"Nothing." He answered.

"Ha, nice try. Your head hasn't stopped moving since we got here. Something has you spooked, what?" She asked propping herself up on one elbow.

"Fine," he gave a heavy sigh. "There's something out there. How do I know that? Have you heard a bird, a squirrel, not even a chipmunk. Something is out there, and I'm not going to sleep until I find out, I can't."

"Why not?"

He looked at her as if she'd grown another head.

"You're not safe, and I won't rest until you are."

"Ugggg!" Tamar let herself flop back over onto her back. There he went again, the whole tall dark hero. When was he going to stop?

"You're in no shape to be protecting me. You almost killed yourself trying just two days ago. What are you trying to prove, anyway?"

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