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Third pov:


She steps into the clear mysterious water that lays in the woods 20 minutes from her house.

Most people are scared to go into the woods alone  but, Ivy Rae Larson was not.

Her house lays in the middle of Riverwood town. A small town were they're more woods then houses and we're everyone knows everyone aka her worst nightmare.

She hates attention with a passion and hates when people talk to her that isn't her family or her curly headed best friend Davina and Mari. Mari and Davina were the total opposite of Ivy. They were outgoing popular, they went to parties. While she was also pretty like them she didn't want too live life the way they did. She was totally fine being in the shadows. even happier she thought.

Behind her house in the woods lays a rocky trail which leads you to a clear magical princess pond she used to call it when she was little.

Her brother discovered the trail and the pond when they just moved into the cozy two story house exactly 10 years ago before he sadly passed away in a car wreck 1 year ago.

His death affected her so much more then anything had ever.

They were 10 years apart.

He was her best friend and the only thing she had. Her mother died of cancer when she was 3 and her father died in a car accident as well  when she was 8. without her brother it left her without a guardian.

Her young aunt Lilian became Ivys legal guardian and moved to Ivy's childhood house.

Ivys brother is the reason why she now is the way she is. The reason why she doesn't like to talk to people; the reason why she never lets anyone in. It's because she is scared that she will lose everyone.

With each step in the pond she became more and more consumed in the water.

It was like she was in a trance.

She picks up her feet that we're once laid on the rocky floor of the pond and starts to float.

Looking up at the eerie gray sky in awe; she feels a rain droplet fall on her left cheek.

She stays afloat in the water and the rain droplets become more and more apparent and dropping into her eyes.

She doesn't get up or move. She just shuts them.

She just sits there still floating in a trance when suddenly she hears a loud boom that made her wince.

The thunder was so loud and left the water vibrating.

She decides that it's time to get out because she doesn't want to get struck by lightning.

Once she's back on the shore she grabs her nude colored tote bag and grabs her dark red towel out of it and drys her body off and then puts on her oversized band t-shirt that was once her brothers over her bathing suite then puts her black sandals back on whilst the rain falls on her beautiful body.

She starts to walk back on the rocky trail to come back to her beloved house. She's half way back but then she hears foot steps behind her.

She tells herself that it's the rain and not a actual person to calm her nerves because nobody else knows about the trail expect her. Not even her aunt her practical "parent" now doesn't even know.

But with each step it sounds like there getting closer and closer.

Ivy's scared. No not scared. Actually terrified.
What do I do? What do I do? Is on repeat in her mind. She did not dare to look back.

Suddenly someone or something whispered in her ear.


She just started to run.

She started running whilst running she didn't hear the footsteps behind her. She could only hear her beating heart, the rocks that were crackling underneath her feet and the rain which was still pouring down... maybe that's a good thing... maybe she was just paranoid.

Finally, she's at the end of the trail which leads her to the back of her house. Still running she hauls to the back door made out of wood and opens it in a flash and slams it shut and locks it.

She try's to catch her ragged breath but in a way she struggles.

She runs into the living room to see if she can see if her Aunt Lilian was home.. she wasn't she was at work.

She slams her tote bag on the leather sofa and takes out her phone in a hurry and dials Aunt Lilian's phone number whilst her hands were incredibly shaking.

While she's calling her ivy starts pacing around the living room in circles.

In a way to try and calm her nerves.

She finally answers and ivy is filled with a automatic feeling of gratefulness.

"Aunt Lilian." She says with voice trembling.

"Ivy... what wrong?!" She says in a concerned voice.

"I think- I think- someone was following me home.."

"What- Ivy calm down ok?"

Ivy inhales a breathe to try and calm her self down and it doesn't exactly help.

"I'll be home in 20 minutes ok? Will you be fine?"

Ivy sighs.

"Yeah.... Just please hurry home."

She hangs up the phone then collapses onto the sofa still trying to calm down.

Then all of a sudden she hears the whisper again but this time it said...

"Turn around."

end of chapter 2

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