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The gates of Hastinpur were decorated and the entire road was covered in flowers. They wanted no mistake in the grand welcome of Chandrapur-naresh Agnimitra.

A feeling of nervousness pervaded in everyone's heart as the rath of Agnimitra entered the palace. Getting down from his chariot he looked as radiant as the moon.

The entire path was covered with flower for his welcome, and so were the stairs to the palace that he climbed. Dusshala who was standing besides Pandavas was in awe seeing his charming looks.

His skin was like that of diamond, and body was muscular like a grown lion. His arms were like mace, and neck like conch shell till where his hair reached.

Below his full eyebrows were his eyes like petals of lotus, carrying golden-brown orbs. His nose was straight and prominent, a glorious moustache and subtle beard rested on his face. A small smile adorned his pink lips.

"Pranipat Chandrapur-naresh, we are so thankful that you accepted the peace proposal." Dhritrashtra said.

"Anything to end the destruction and bloodshed." Agnimitra said.

"Putri Dusshala, come and welcome your soon to be husband." Gandhari said.

Dusshala came forward and that's when Agnimitra saw her. He gave her small smile which so attractive that all she could do was stare.

 He gave her small smile which so attractive that all she could do was stare

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"Dusshala, welcome him." Dhritrashtra said.

Dusshala kept staring at him as she did his aarti and put the tilak on his forehead.

"Welcome to Hastinapur, Maharaj." Dusshala said.

"Thank you for such a beautiful welcome, Rajkumari." Agnimitra smiled.

A smile for which Dusshala fell, never has she seen such a beautiful smile. She couldn't help but sigh at that, the rest of the Kurus smiled seeing it.

Dhritrashtra came forward and to make the announcement for the entire Kingdom.

"Citizens of Hastinpur, you all must be wondering why Chandrapur-naresh Agnimitra is here. Well, it was time to end the enmity of both the kingdoms !" Dhritrashtra said.

The citizens started whispering among themselves hearing this suprising news as Dhritrashtra took the hand of Dusshala and puts it in the hands of Agnimitra.

"With the marriage of Rajkumari Dusshala, Maharaj Agnimitra will no longer be the enemy of Hastinapur but the jamai of Kuruvansh !" Dhritrashtra said.

The entire crowd started cheering as Agnimitra looked at Dusshala who had lowered her gaze to hide her red cheeks which were getting heated by each second as he looked at her.

Agnimitra noticed her blushing cheeks, which caused a smirk to appear on his face.



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