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The pride of Hastinpur, Rajkumari Dusshala was standing in her balcony looking at the rising sun as she remembered the conversation she had with Yudhishthir few days back.

"Dusshala dear if you marry the king of Chandrapur then the centuries of war will come to an end. But the decision is still upto you, little sister. Do you wish to get married ?" Yudhishthir asked.

"Jyesht Bhrata, if me marrying the Chandrapur-naresh will end all the bloodshed and destruction, then I agree to this." Dusshala said.

"Blessed you are. Let's just hope that Maharaj Agnimitra will accept this proposal, after what Duryodhan has done. He shouldn't have insulted Pushyakul by giving him a nose ring. This has definitely strained the relationship even more..... Let's just pray that this enmity will come to an end. And our only hope is you, Dusshala." Yudhishthir said.

Only a little time was left until Chandrapur-naresh Agnimitra will arrive. Luckily he has accepted the proposal for peace and marriage.

She was waiting for Arjun to come as he promised to bring her new and luxurious garments.

Standing in the balcony she fantasized about her married life, which to her seemed to be a like a dreamy fairytale. Suddenly she was brought out of her thoughts with a knock on the door.

She turned around and saw her brother, the greatest archer Arjun, with several garments in his hands.

"Bhratashree ? Come." Dusshala smiled and he came inside.

"Dear sister, look at all there garments I have picked for you." He said putting it down on her bed.

"My goodness, have you brought the entire shop ?" Dusshala asked.

"More or less, yes." Arjun said.

"Oh Bhrata, you're too much." She shook her head.

"I know. Get ready soon dear, Maharaj Agnimitra will arrive anytime now and Tatshree wants you to welcome him." Arjun said.

"Alright." Dusshala nodded.

"I'll take your leave now." Arjun said and left.

Dusshala went up to the door and locked it. Today she wanted to get ready by herself, because for her first impression on her soon to be husband, she trusted no one.

Dusshala looked at all the luxurious clothes brought by Arjun and chose cream and red garments. And chose intricate jewelleries but not heavy ones.

Today she wanted herself to shine, not her clothes or jewelleries so Agnimitra sees her and not her wealth. And after all it's less chance that the king of Chandrapur will be impressed by gold and diamonds.


*Sighs* The unsung bond of Dusshala and her favourite bro Arjun....

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